Chapter 14

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"I don't know if we should be more concerned for Little Midoriya when he gets here or the detective," Saito said as she filed papers.

Tamakawa looked up from polishing his bell collar. "Why should we be worried about the detective?"

Saito glanced around, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Nakamura told me she found a receipt for like twelve bottles of antacids. You didn't hear this from me, but Tsukauchi might be on his way to another ulcer."

"But he hasn't had one since-" but the cat-headed officer was interrupted by the door opening to reveal the smiling face of Midoriya Izuku. "Good morning, Saito, Tamakawa. How are you two today?"

"Little Midoriya! We're-"

"CHINESE FINGER TRAPS?!" Tsukauchi roared, emerging from his office. "You nearly died at the hand of the leader of the League of Villains, and you bet your life on Chinese finger traps?"

"Yes?" Izuku squeaked.

"Let's calm down, Detective," Tamakawa said gently. "It was actually brilliant on Midoriya's part."

"Brilliance doesn't do anything if it pisses off someone enough to kill you." Tsukauchi said, shaking Izuku by the shoulders. "It wouldn't matter if we had kept him in custody, but he never even made it to police custody. He disappeared before anyone could arrive on the scene."

A woman Izuku had never met before appeared from Tsukauchi's office, smacking the man. "That wasn't the kids fault, he did more than his part. Just tell the kid he did a good job."

"I have every right to worry, I don't know what I'd do if-"

"Naomasa, shut up," the woman said, menacingly adjusting her incredibly thick-lensed glasses. "I know exactly how you feel, it's called being a parent. But you're turning into a helicopter parent, which is not healthy. Now tell the kid he did well."

Izuku frantically waved his arms. "Oh, that's not necessary. Detective Tsukauchi is right, I can be reckless and-"

"Midoriya, it was well done, I just can't help but worry about you," Tsukauchi interrupted, gently placing a hand on his shoulder once more.

The boy stared at the detective a few moments before promptly bursting into tears.

"Saito told me the kid was a crier, but I didn't expect it to be this bad," the woman said. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Midoriya. I'm Detective Kimura. I specialize in investigating homicides, but I'm currently away on maternity leave. Tsukauchi just wanted a second opinion on a case, though I'm glad I got to meet you."

"You've heard of me?" Izuku asked, eyes still watering.

"Oh, I feel like I already know you. Everyone had told me so much about you, all of it good except what Mori says. But I've never liked him anyway."

"You too, Kimura? Seriously?" Mori called from his corner.

"Anyway, I look forward to working together. I've got to go, and Naomasa has some things to talk to you about," Kimura said with a kind smile. "Saito, you can accompany me to my car and clean up the Vaseline you smeared under the door handles."

"How did you know?" Saito demanded.

"I'm a mother. I see all."

While Saito squabbled with Kimura, Tsukauchi waved Izuku into his office. Once inside, Tsukauchi ran a hand through his hair. "Kimura is right, you did incredibly well at the mall considering the circumstances. It just bothers me that it happened at all. You shouldn't constantly be in danger like this. But I need to learn to accept that it will only get worse from here."

Detective MidoriyaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz