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There were a few rules that Yagi Toshinori was still struggling to instill into his students, rules that seemed so trivial and mundane that it seemed a bit ludicrous that heroes had to learn it in the first place. The first was to take every task seriously, no matter how trivial it may have seemed. Young Bakugou especially struggled with that one, giving up on a task once it was completed to his satisfaction, or if it was deemed trivial, he often would make matters worse. 

The second rule was to be mindful of your stamina. This was a bittersweet lesson for Toshinori, because it was his disregard for this rule that left him with only an hour of hero time each day. He saw the same tendencies in a few of his students, such as young Kirishima and young Satoa. 

Finally, the third and most important rule was to always be aware of your surroundings. Ashido probably struggled the most with this, and Toshinori was struggling to find a way to teach the girl the rule before someone else had to pay the price of her inattention. 

These rules were cycling through Toshinori's mind when he woke up. After enough years of dealing with crime, a person gets almost a sixth sense for it. When Toshinori woke  up that day, he could feel it in his bones that something bad was going to happen. 

He was already calculating how much hero work he would be able to accomplish, but a lot of it depended on luck. Toshinori just hoped that he would have time left when it was needed. 

Distracted by his worrying, Toshinori didn't notice the dip in the sidewalk. He barely managed to catch himself from falling, but tie papers in his hand were not nearly as lucky. 

Cursing under his breath, Toshinori moved to gather the papers, but a pair of freckled hands were already collecting them for him. Toshinori looked up to see a pair of bright green eyes that looked vaguely familiar, eyes that held far too much recognition for Toshinori's comfort. 

Wordlessly the boy shoved the papers into the hero's hands and scrambled away, giving Toshinori a better view of the retreating figure. HE was short, and clearly still a teenager, wearing a dirty hoodie over ripped jeans. everything about him screamed that he was a hoodlum. The boy's appearance combined with Toshinori's uneasiness put the man on even higher alert. Something told him that that boy would have a hand in whatever was going to unfold. 

Throughout the day, he would have described the anxiety plaguing as a pit in his stomach if he still had a stomach. His teaching suffered because of it, and young Bakugou wasn't shy about telling him so. Luckily it wasn't just Toshinori, however, that felt off. No, a sense of looming danger hung over all the students in the hero course, one that the teachers felt more acutely. 

Toshinori was making a lot of the same mistakes he'd made his first year of teaching. Luckily his students had grown immensely since then and there weren't any incidents. 

They were in the middle of an exercise dealing with rescuing hostages when his phone rang. Seeing who was calling, Toshinori answered immediately. 

"What is it, Tsukauchi?"

"We've got a huge fight, Toshinori," the detective's terse voice informed him. "I've got an undercover detective in the middle of it all, so I need you and whichever heroes you think are best for the job, now. This isn't a job for your students." With that, Tsukauchi hung up, only for a text message with an address to come through. 

Swallowing thickly, the hero called Nedzu. Before the principal could really answer, All Might said, "I need you to watch my class. There's a situation that I was called in to." After a few moments he added, "And Midnight and Eraserhead are needed as well."

"Very well. I shall inform the other two and be there momentarily," Nedzu responded. And sure enough, before Toshinori could do more than explain the situation to his class, Nedzu was already strolling into the room. 

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