Meet the Family

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Hey guys ok so this is my first time writing a book so bare with me.

I hope you guys like it! ^-^

"...If anyone reads it you mean" My imaginary friend Tek says. I don't know why but he always comes around when ever I'm on the computer.

Weird. O.o

"What do you mean if anyone reads it of course someone will read it" I yell back. ".....I hope" I whisper to myself <.< >.> looking around for no reason.


Anyway here's chapter one.~~~~~

(This is the date in the book. Not my jurnal entry.) Date: 6-9-2012. Place: Winnsboro, Texas.

"Birayn (By-Rain) get back here right now!" My mom yells at me.

"No mom! I'm not going back there with that creep!" I yell back walking away.

"He's not a creep, and yes you will! And you will apologize too!" She hisses coming after me.

"No I will not! Mom, he told me I have nice arm hairs! He also said he touched poo once! And he smells like bird feed. Plus he's BUTT UGLY!" I yell still walking away.

"Explain why you punched him." She says grabbing my arm bringing me to a stop.

"Because he grabbed my butt!" I shout yanking my arm back and walking away again.

She stops walking. "He what?" She whispers.

I stop walking and turn around. "He. Grabbed. My. BUTT!" I say very slowly.

She stares at me for a sec with this look in her eyes and I can't tell what it is. But, I'm to mad to really care. Then she grabs my hand and starts taking me back to the house.

I dig my heels into the ground stopping her from taking me. "I'm not going back in there mom." I growl.

Oh yeah, something you should probably know I'm a were-wolf, and that creep in our house is a were-bird. I know sounds weird right? He's like those damned vampires. I swear every time I see one I want to punch something, or better yet punch the vampire. Anyway, back to the story.

My mom looks at me and says "Will you just trust me!"

I stared at her in shock. You see, me and my mom, we don't have the best mother-daughter relationship. I'm more of a daddy's girl. I like fighting and hunting, she likes cooking and cleaning. And I hate cooking, so that doesn't really work out. But I'm really close with my dad. In fact, that's why I left the house, to go look for him. He was currently out doing Alpha stuff. Most of the time I would actually go with him, but... I had to meet the bird guy. That, is now, on my most hated were-creatures list.

Oh, another thing you should know. The reason why the bird guy is in our house. Well, he's a potential mate, (not if I have any say in it) see the thing is, in my pack, the normal time to find your mate is 18-21 years of age, I am currently 22 years old. So yeah my parents are kind of worried about me. Another thing, is in my pack, ALL. the women go into heat when they are 23. And my birthday is in approximately two months, so I'm kind of screwed..... Back to the story.

Oh wait, heh, I almost forgot one more thing. My dad he's not like other Alphas. We don't live in a pack-house. We live in a home that's about two miles away from the pack-house. He doesn't want to live that close to the pack, he says it can be a little stressful to do Alpha stuff all day, and then not have time to spend with his family at night. So, we live just close enough that if there was an emergency he can get there fast, but he can also have time to spend with us at night. Oh, and my moms a were-bird. So now that you know that, back to the story again.

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