Hananene Wedding

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That is the only way to describe the happiness Nene felt while walking down the aisle. After all the struggles, laughs, tears, smiles and frowns she had to experience to get to where she was, Nene that it was all worth it.

Each and every moment that came to this closing sequence, the end of one novel, the start of another, was one she cherished. Her first kiss she shared with a mysterious ghost boy, the first batch of donuts she had collectively made with a warm-smiled lemon-loving student, the first insult that was thrown at her by a cocky pink male, the first act of harassment by a mischievous twin. They were all something to remember, even if they weren't ALL good memories.

Nene had it all, but the only thing missing from her puzzling life was about to be put in place. Set in stone. It was all about to begin.

After each and every step, Nene felt her heart boom and pound harder. Her knees grew weak and her head span. Her eyes slightly watered with tears of joy. It was the perfect moment.

Everything was perfect.

Her life was about to become complete.


Hanako stood at the altar, grinning his devilishly sweet grin at her. He was too sweet, too bitter too, he was too much. Too good for her. But Nene didn't bother to compare herself to anyone anymore. She already had the biggest ankles imaginable, and after meeting Hanako, she wasn't embarrassed about it anymore. He loved her the way she was, that's all that mattered, right?

Hanako's haku joudai held two rings, swirling around in a form of a love heart. After Nene stood before Hanako, he gave her a wink as an embarrassed blush formed on Nene's face. Whispering  an "oh stop it.."

Kou then started speaking.

"Speaking from the 3rd wheel point of view, Hanako and Yashiro have been the greatest friends ever. As far as I can see, from the far shore to the near shore, I couldn't pick a more rocking pair from a supernatural-human lineup! I wish these two happiness, health and heavenly days."

Kou then cleared his breath, getting a bit choked up, and continued.

"Do you, Amane Yugi, take Nene Yashiro as your lawfully wedded life- I mean wife!" he blurted out.

Hanako smiled and proudly announced "Anytime, anywhere, of course."

"And you, Nene Yashiro, take this slimy brat as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Hanako frowned, the 837 Mokke giggled and Nene smiled.

"There's no one else I would rather be with." she said, merriment swirling in her eyes as she gazed at him. 

Then Hanako, right on cue, without missing a beat, had to ruin the moment (of course).

"Well no one else would take those ankles of yours, so I guess I might have to!"

After that, Hananene lived a happy sugar life.

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