Kou hurts himself | WIP

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"No, you can't do that!" Hanako blurts out, falling out of the kitchen cabinet. It startles the poor boy, who drops the knife just next to his foot. 

"EH!? HANAKO!?" Kou gasps, scrambling to grab the knife and shove it back onto the counter. But it's obvious that Hanako sees through Kou's devious little plans.

"No, I won't allow this.. put that knife away." Hanako's cold voice growls, as he snatches the knife from Kou and pushes it away. The whole time, Kou stares at the poor knife. How close it was to contacting his skin and through his flesh, and how good it would feel.

He's drooling, Hanako can tell.

"You better fess up to me, or fess up to your brother. Cuz I don't wanna be the guy to tell him what you're doing, but if there's a good reason.. then.. I dunno, we can talk it out." Hanako frowns, taking Kou's cold hands. There's bruises and burns in distorted areas. It's a chaotic clump.

Teru noticed the burns first, and how out of place they were. Kou's go-to excuse was that he had burned them on the stove while cooking, but that lie was more obvious than pink pants at a funeral. 

Kou was an amazing cook, so this didn't add up. No matter how many times he slapped his own wrist with the ladle, or burn his fingertips in the oven. Kou may seem stupid, and a rusher, but he wasn't an injured idiot for no good reason.

"There's nothing to talk about. I just came here to find a knife," Kou shrugged, and Hanako shivered his cold hands up to Kou's tense shoulders.

"You can tell me what's going on, go on. I want to hear." Hanako glared, rubbing his shoulders with the tip of his fingers. "I'll give you a few minutes to explain yourself first."

And then there was silence. Kou rushed to think of an excuse, anything but the truth. But it came spilling out anyway, in little parts. Hanako listened, obviously raising an eyebrow when he didn't believe Kou's nonsense of a story. No one gets burns from a radiator.

But everytime Kou averted his gaze, or picked at his skin whilst talking, the guilt in Hanako's stomach swirled. This wasn't good, it was just reminding him of the memories Amane Yugi made. The headlines on the newspapers, the corpse's wounds, all the lies and the truth jumbled together. He hated thinking of that boy, and how different they were.

But Hanako needed to swallow that urge to cry, and listen to this troubled boy. But his weary, glossy iris and his quivering cheek, it was hard to look at him. He was a pathetic being in this instance, was that how everyone saw Amane? A boy with no shoulders to cry on?

No, he couldn't allow that mess to happen to this kid. This literal child with too many emotions to deal with. No, Hanako had to be there.

And he tried, and he tried, but this.. this was the final straw. He had noticed his self-harm from the very beginning, but turned a blind eye and joked with Yashiro or played around with Kou. He was playing with him, bullying him.

It hurt. 

I'll finish this later :) 

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