Amane meets Kou's family (Hanakou)

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Kou curiously knocked on his own front door. One of his hands was cold and shaking, the other felt warm and comforted by his boyfriends grasp. They were gonna go in, have dinner and that'll be it. No biggy, not like your boyfriend meeting your family for the first time is a huge deal! No way!

"Kou you're quaking.." Amane reminded him with a soft tone, his hot breath turning into steam as they breathed in the darkness.

"I know that!! Open the door already, Teru-nii!!" Kou shouted back, he didn't mean to add venom in his tone and Amane knew this.

The door handle shook for a moment then was opened a crack, then was swung open. Kou and Amane couldn't see anyone for a moment, but then looked down a bit. Standing before them was Tiara Minamoto, hiding behind the door, scared a bit. But her frown soon turned into a huge smile.

"Teru-nii!! Kou's home!! And he brought the weird space guy!!" Tiara shouted, running down the hall.

Amane jerked his head towards Kou and glared.

"Weird space guy, huh?"

"It was one time.." Kou sighed, pulling Amane into the house.

Amane's glare couldn't stay long. He was hit by the warm and welcoming light, much better than the Yugi house's chaotic and ambitious energy. Tsukasa was always running around with some weird living-organism in his pockets or hands. But in here the floors were clean, the flower pot was filled and the smiles of the Minamoto members were shining and graceful. God, did he love Kou.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Teru. I believe we've met on occasion." Teru spoke softly, closing the sliding door behind him from what Amane could assume was the living room as he heard the news reporter speaking aloud.

"Cut the crap, you don't need to be so formal with him." Kou rolled his eyes.

"Jeez Kou, I'm trying to be polite!" Teru sighed. "If only Mom knew what I had raised you to become with your inappropriate language."

Amane stifled a laugh.

"What's on the menu tonight?" he asked, trying to act cool but realised he sounded really strange.

"I guess just pizza?" Kou questioned, looking at Teru.

"Sure, I'll go order it. You two can go hang out upstairs, but keep your bedroom doors open." Teru half jokingly ordered. A blush grew on Kou and Amane's face.

"Oh shut up!! It's not like that yet!!" Kou retorted.

"YET?!" Amane squealed. Everyone went silent.

"Nii-chan, what do you mean?" Tiara purely asked, pulling on his shirt.

"Nothing Princess, let's go grab that pizza." Teru smiled and pulled her away into another room.

Amane looked over at Kou who seemed like he could die of humiliation any second now. Amane understood him completely.

"My family is no different, it's no big deal.." Amane reassured.

"Can we please just go upstairs..?" Kou pleaded.

Amane nodded with a smile and they both headed to Kou's room.

"I was being serious you two!!" Teru yelled, an audible laugh was heard after that.

"OH SHUT UP!!" Kou yelled back, dragging Amane up the rest of the stairs as he laughed.


Kou pushed the door enough so it seemed closed, but in reality it was still a bit open.

"I am so sorry.." Kou apologised, sitting on his bed as Amane leaned on the wall. He looked as though he was paying attention to Kou, but truly, he was glancing at every corner of his lovers room. His eyes darting around like a super bouncy ball you can buy at a knick-knack shop.

"No biggy. Like I said, I get it. Your brother is funny, surprisingly, anyway."


Amane gave Kou a reassuring smile. Everything was gonna be okay, the Minamoto's are very open and welcoming people. They have this warm aura that just engulfs everyone who ever entered their lives. It was bliss, pure and utter bliss. 

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