Hanakou Graduation

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On a misty night, where the clouds swirled ominously, and the moon shimmered like a lamp, the loud clanging of weapons and words could audibly be heard.

Kou's hot breath formed into icy clouds of mist as he gasped for a breath. As he leaned on his raiteijou, he glared at the taunting male before him. God was he so annoying.

"Jeez kid, but maybe you should have changed out of your graduation cloak to fight me! Although you do look kind of badass." Hanako joked.

"Oh shut up.. I'm trying to exorcise you!" Kou shouted. A tint of realisation making its way into his tone.

He was trying to exorcise him, his best friend, his boyfriend. Sure, Kou was 18 now, it was March, he had just graduated earlier that day. But this scene was not one he had wanted to imagine, ever. Even if it crept into his dreams at night, haunting him with ghastly scenarios. Couldn't things just go back to this morning?!


"Maya Izumi announced Tsuchigomori to the crowd of students, family and invisible apparitions.

"Kou Minamoto" he announced again.

Kou fumbled in his seat, super nervous. What if he fell on stage? Mumbled his words? Passed out from fear?! He started hyperventilating slightly.

"Calm down Kou, you're up!" Yokoo whispered in his ear, grabbing his shoulder as he slightly leaned over his seat to inform his friend.

"Oh right!" Kou yelled, standing up from his seat.

The whole audience noticed his small entranced, some people giggled, others stifled a laugh. Kou felt as if the world was watching him, noticing his ever step as he climbed onto the stage. A lump grew in his stomach and he felt it sink. He was going to be nauseous, this felt horrible.

But somewhere in the audience, Kou met eyes with a small crowd that he knew very well. Consisting of his comforting brother, angelic sister, supportive best friends and his boyfriend of course. Hanako. Amane Yugi. The most important person in the world. The whole world, his whole life. Someone who would be there for him, and Kou felt a smile curl his lips. He wasn't all that afraid anymore.


The rest of the ceremony was as perfect as ever. 

"Kou-kun!" Nene called out from behind.

Kou was now in the hallway. Kou was walking alone through the fading sun-lit hallways, taking a bit of time to think over himself. He had just graduated, what now? What would he do tomorrow? Where would he be tomorrow? Would he feel different? Would everything be different? He hadn't really put much thought into a future without the school, and the memories the school gave him.

"Ah.. Senpai." Kou mumbled, turning around to look at her. He hadn't called her 'Senpai' in a while. They did talk a bit outside of school, but she had graduated the year before and was now studying floristry. The only occasions they did meet up was when Teru brought over Akane, who brought over Aoi, who brought over Nene.

"I'm so proud of you! Really, it's been 3 years since we first met.. and.. and now.." Nene croaked, her throat becoming more and more clogged with daring sobs, just waiting to emerge into tears.

Kou smiled at her for a moment, moments before seeing the figure standing behind her.

"Took you a while, lemon-head." Mitsuba said sarcastically. He had his hands behind his head as he walked closer to the pair. Now forming a trio.

"Mitsuba.." Kou quietly gasped. Of course he saw him in the audience earlier, but since Kou was a lot smarter now, he realised what this interaction met.

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