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The room they entered was way brighter than the main hall Link and Ghirahim just left. The demon had decided to stay inside the sword this time. At Link's questioning look he said, that he has much better senses in that form rather than in his chosen human form.

At least that meant that the demon really tried to be of help.

Link scanned the room with trained eyes, looking over the walls, the mechanics. Thankfully there wasn't any goo on the floor. The air even felt fresh.

There were tendrils ranking themselves on the walls, forming beautiful patterns of green on the bricks, like a painter had their creative breakthrough after a dull time of artist's block.

On the other side of the room there was a door, most likely containing a treasure he guessed.

What caught the skyloftian's eyes was the floor, forming a checkerboard pattern of black and white tiles, feeling a little out of place.

Link tilted his head to one side, ears twitching as he grabbed his purse, frantically searching fir something.

What are you doing? Just go ahead

Link didn't even wince when he heard Ghirahim's voice in his head. Instead he ignored it. After a little while he let out a sound of triumph as he found four little stones in his pocket.

He threw one of them, aiming for the white tiles, not even surprised, when tendrils were shooting out of the floor, erratically trying to grasp whatever was laying there. Soon they gave in as they couldnt grasp anythingg and left the surface.

Another stone landed on one of the black tiles a few rows ahead. Link frowned as the twines reappeared again, trying the same as before.

So the color wasn't the only thing that mattered when it came to the pattern.

Link scratched his head slightly.

How many rows were there? Link couldn't see the end.

He threw the third rock. This time he aimed for the first row in order to have a starting point. Gladly, no twines were coming out of the ground. Save to go. He took one careful step, noticing, the tile was black. It was generous enough that you could walk two steps on the flat surface.

The tile in front of him was white. Link picked up the rock, this time aiming for the tile in front of him. When nothing happened, some of the tension that was apparent in his body left his shoulders and he breathed out slowly. He took another step.

The skyloftian repeated the action of throwing that same rock on the black tile, striken with surprise, when it was actually caught by twines, causing him to back away for a moment.

So logically in the third row, white was still correct. Hands hovering over the hilts of both of his swords, he carefully stepped on another white tile, relieved when nothing happened.

"Ghirahim?", he asked, knowing that the demon doesn't have to come out of his sword to communicate with the human. A chime was echoing through the room, signalling Link that he was listening qnd he felt a weight in the back of his head rising.

"You said earlier that you are able to see much more of a room. Tell me, how many rows are there?"

For a moment, there was silence and Link was almost sure, that Ghirahim didn't hear him quite right but then there was another chime.

Exactly 100

"Anything more of significance you have noticed?"

Yes indeed. Actually, about halfway through is a latter on the right. I would advice you to take it as whatever lies on the platform above it might be from importance.

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