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What is this? I have an update for yall? Damn right I have and this even is the longest I've written yet with around 2400 words of pure bliss.

No, not what you think.

This one is filled with light-hearted humor, I've been laughing my ass off writing it. Maybe I even went a bit overboard but I decided against changing it.

Anyway, have fun peeps!

"I'm glad." There was such huge relief swinging in their voice that it nearly pushed all air out of Link's lungs.

"Well, take a seat, grab some tea, and tell me what went down." Steps were again scraping over the ground. Ghirahim glanced back at Link, nodding slightly before he followed Aura to sit in front of them. Link followed him suit.

Aura sat beside Fi who wasn't saying anything the entire time. She looked deep in thought and for a short moment, Link could have sworn he saw a little frown on her forehead.

Aura poured themself a bit of the tea into their cup. They took three cubes of sugar and plopped them into the liquid with a faint splash, taking the spoon into their hand, stirring the tea to unleash the sweet flavor.

Link was deep in thought, trying to maintain as much space between him and Ghirahim without coming off as... Awkward?

Maybe Link was overthinking things at this point.

"I can sense your distress, boy." The person in front of him addressed Link, mischief in their voice. "I won't bite today."

Link looked into their face. They had yellow eyes that were practically piercing through one's soul. Bushy eyebrows framed them, oddly long on the outer edges. Their skin was olive, brown plushy lips accentuating the lower half of their face. Link's eyes wandered to their jejunely long chestnut hair, that was almost reaching their chest in length. They wore a top that seemed to be made from leaves. Link's eyes went further down, noticing the dark short pants that were clutching to hairy knees. Hooves were attached to their legs. Well, they were half-human, half-goat as it seemed.

Link mentally face palmed himself. Of course, they said they were a satyr after all.

"So? My ears are wide open. Who defeated that dipshit of a ruler?" As if to demonstrate, their pointed ears twitched slightly.

Ghirahim gestured to Link. "It was him."

Aura's eyes widened at that a bit. "So he is Farore's chosen?" Ghirahim nodded at that. The satyr's lips formed a perfectly shaped 'o' at that. "Well, this indeed changes things... I can see now why you are in his hands." Ghirahim frowned at that a bit but let it go nonetheless.

The satyr took a sip from their tea. "But there is another reason for your company here than merely saying hi to an old friend and reminisce about better days."

Ghirahim sighed at that. Satyrs have sharp senses after all.

"You already got introduced to Fi?" Ghirahim rhetorically asked but Aura nodded along. "Well, we need to get to the castle."

"And what does she have to do with that?" Aura frowned, gears in their head clicking and rotating.

"She is a sword spirit created by Hylia," Ghirahim explained. The brunette's eyes lit up at that. "Explains her flat character."

Fi washed one of her sleeves against Aura's head, causing them to smile apologetically.

"Well, I can see, why you need to get to the castle then, though I don't know if someone would even know what to do with or rather against the goddess creation. It's still difficult to just... Ignore your superiors in her case. You of all should know that." Aura's glance grew harsh.

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