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I hope y'all have been feeling well and covid isn't taking such great toll on you guys.
I've actually been able to meet some friends after like half a year, so i've been farley well!!
Let me introduce another character i made just to have a blacksmith lol. but i love him.
anyway, let's get on with the chapter.

When Link opened his eyes, he was still facing the side where the window was located as he had been the night before. His hand, that wasn't covered by the blanket felt awfully cold and brushing over the space where he thought someone had been sitting on left him freezing internally.

Had he been dreaming it? He was pretty sure that his sleep was being interrupted by a particular bad nightmare. Hadn't the demon lord noticed this?

Hadn't they actually talked about it? Weren't they even bonding over it? Link wasn't so sure anymore.

In fact, the feelings of warm nimble limbs intertwined with his own calloused fingers were only phantoms by now.

He let out a sigh as he frowned. Judging by the screaming sun that was sneaking her way into the otherwise dimly lit room, he tossed the blanket aside briefly hissing as the cold hit on his body fully.

His eyes traveled through the room and halted on a wooden door. It looked like it was a side door, maybe he would find a bathroom or something behind it?

The Skyloftian got up, feet tapping lightly over the ground as he approached the door. He was right, it indeed hid a small bathroom with a toilet and a sink, the knight's uniform Aura gave him was folded neatly on a wooden basket in one corner. He smiled as he proceeded to wash his face, noticing the long crack that was running over the mirror above the sink. Today will be important.


By the time he got out of the bathroom, he saw that Ghirahim was sitting at the foot of the bed, examining his nails as one of his gloves was resting aside. What Link also noticed was that the demon was wearing something that looked oddly similar to the clothes that Aura wore. The one shouldered top he wore looked like it was made out of leaves, blue in color, small red highlights as if marking the veins of them aligned seemingly random, catching the observer's attention. Equally blue skin tight leggings were hugging his legs, lacking the diamonds.

"Like what you see?" Came the suggestive question, head cocking to one side. Link noticed that despite the differing blue, Ghirahim still chose to wear the diamond earring in his pointed ear.

It itched Link to ask him about it, but he refused to give in.

'Well, good morning to you too.' Ghirahim just rolled his eyes as he stood up. "Would you take Fi?"

'Won't she accompany us?' But Ghirahim shook his head. "She chooses to stay in that form for the time being. I suppose it's about comfort and her current state of mind."

Link nodded at that, even more questions forming in his head but he still did not ask any of them.

When a knock was heard, Link was actually really grateful for the distraction. He has never been happier to see Aura as he answered the door.

"Well, aren't you in a good mood!", the voice boomed through the room followed by a clammy hand that pinched his cheek in adoration. Link cringed visibly to which Aura just giggled.

"We will head out now, grab some lunch on our way. Strap the swords to your back, little hero, it'll be one long day."

Link felt their eyes on him as he secured Ghirahim's sword strangely with the sailcloth that was laying on the sideboard.

Unravel | GhiralinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora