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I'm like 900 words into chapter seventeen and I tell ya I love it so much! Thank you by the way for all the support on this story, I really appreciate it despite me replying not often to comments. Also, I really appreciate all of the votes!! Thank you so much. Lately, this has been added to quite a few reading lists and honestly, this is making me all warm and fuzzy :3

Just wanted to put this ahead lmao enough rambling

Enjoy this chapter! Things are getting intense from this point on.

That morning Link was happy that he never got any hangovers or something even if he had been pretty wasted the night before.

Which he had been actually.

After yesterday's events, he drowned his thoughts in some hard liquor just to forget.

Just to run away.

Which worked pretty well as his memories of last night were very blurry.

At one point he remembered that Peatrice sat down in front of him, trying to make conversation. As Skyloft's chatterbox, she knew about what has happened and tried to desperately interview Link about it.

He blocked her out completely not reacting in any way towards her.

She got bored pretty fast, leaving him alone again. That was the point he ordered his fourth glass of whiskey.

He didn't even remember how he got to bed last night but that morning he woke up under his thick green sheets. The only real evidence that he got drunk was the foul taste on his tongue.

But gladly no headache.

Only the phantom screams resonating in his ears again in their full glory.

The moment Link rushed down the edge of the surface, his crimson-colored Loftwing carried him through the air without even having to whistle for him. He felt the exhilarating sensation of the cold wind against his heated face as his Loftwing gives down.

He didn't think for once. He just felt.

After Demise's defeat, the cloud cover between the Surface and Skyloft disappeared leaving a beautiful blurry sight at the landscapes below the floating island.

It was way easier to find the village in Faron too.

The overloud clinking of sword against sword was the only thing he heard in his ears right now. He briefly wondered what Fi would think if she knew what sword was resting against hers.

The swordsman set down his Loftwing, preparing himself to use the sailcloth once more to safely land right outside the village.


His feet landed with a soft thud on the muddy grassy ground in front of the entrance.

Hyrule was thriving and once more he considered actually living down here.

His blue eyes landed on Groose who was currently giving instructions to some builders. They were preparing for the next load of Skyloftians that should follow them down here.

Link approached the redhead and tapped his shoulder lightly. Groose nearly jumped out of his flesh.

"Oh, it's you", he said, relief swimming in his words as he realized that Link was standing in front of him. "What can I do for you?"

'Do you know where Zelda is? I need to talk to her. It's urgent', Link signed, his hand a bit shaky from the flight.

Groose thought for a bit. "She went exploring some newfound clearing in the east from here. It's not far, maybe a five to ten-minute walk. I can take you there if you want."

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