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Hi! Do you still remember me? Got a huge writing motivation boost right now, so I can finally drop this chapter! Idk it feels kinda dry in the beginning but it gets better! Right now I am almost in the middle of the next arc and I nearly forgot how much I love that story!

Anyway, enjoy!

"Be happy that I happen to have a huge order addressed to the royal family", Aura chimes as they were sitting again on the sofas, taking a sip from their now cold tea.

"I'll be delivering it tomorrow, I can take you with me then." The thought of having Aura near him after what just happened irked Link out. He was still embarrassed to the core. The Skyloftian sighed internally.

"How are you gonna state your problem to her majesty anyway?"

That was something that Link asked himself ever since they started this journey. From what he understood all of this was about breaking whatever lies on Fi's mind holding her back. He just couldn't put a finger on what that would take.

Would this be similar to the flame hunt he had to go through in order to gain the status of Evil's bane? Would he have to go through another tour of silent realms? A shudder of discomfort ran down his spine.

"I'm sure that her majesty will find a way to help us destroying whatever is banning Fi to speak her mind freely. I am positively convinced that she will find a way in outsmarting the goddess, one way or another."

And Link's head was spinning. How was it possible to... deceive Hylia herself? A literal being of power, heaven, and sacredness?

A glimpse of what she was, was living in Zelda's body and with a sudden realization, it hit Link. He knew both of them.

In exhaustion, Link rubbed his forehead, trying to hold back a yawn, completely ignoring the conversation around him at this point.

He leaned back.

Who exactly was her majesty anyway? Link just could speculate. Was she kind-hearted? Or was she arrogant? Was she old and wrinkled? Or a beautiful youth, filled with energy? Maybe Ghirahim would know. He made a mental note of asking him later. Link bit back another yawn to which a chuckle followed.

"I think that was a bit much for one day." Aura put their cup back on the table. "You should go to sleep, tomorrow will be tiresome."

Their eyes traveled over Ghirahim to Fi, halting on her. "I assume you would want to rest inside the sword?" Link wasn't entirely sure if they were talking to both of them. "The swords are in the guests' room."

Holding back another yawn, Link stood up, waving at Aura, smiling at them tiredly. "I understand. Good night."


Link sat down on the fluffy sheets, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as his back hit the bed. He didn't bother to undress yet, hands petting over the soft fabric under his fingers.

Without much further ado Fi had left into her sword with a soft chime earlier. Link didn't question it, in fact, he didn't question any of her actions. He grew curious about the possible outcomes that would occur once they are a few more steps ahead.

What would happen once they reached the first huge stage of their journey? What exactly are they searching for? Who will wait for them in the castle?

Link's mind was racing at this point. He let out a sigh as his hand touched his forehead.

He sat up, looking at Ghirahim who was sitting behind a table in the corner, taking a liking in whatever his eyes traveled over. He didn't seem to notice the lingering eyes of the hero hovering above his figure.

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