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SURPRISE! Double update today! This chapter is fairly short so I sort of wanted to publish it as well ^^ Just see it as a direct continuation of the last chapter. 

I'm not gonna write as much now as I want to, just again a huge thank you to all of you!!

As Link tried to move, he became aware that there was no ground beneath his feet. But he wasn't falling either. He was floating right in the air.

Link frowned, the giddy feeling from earlier completely disappeared. He tried to see something, anything in the voids he was in. He wasn't even sure where here was. There was nothing. Only blackness surrounding his body. He couldn't quite decipher if he was in a room, a hall, or just in an open spot.

He felt nothing but his own breathing within his chest.

Setting into a swimming motion, the Skyloftian tried to move forward. If he couldn't feel any ground under his feet he at least needed to move forward somehow.

He didn't know if it was actually working or if he was making an idiot out of himself in front of the goddess knows what creature put him into this abyss.

Sudden whistling noise reached his pointed ears, making them twitch violently as Link gasped in discomfort. The wind was curling into his long hair, as the noise increased in height.

He pressed his hands against his ears trying to block out the noise from his hearing but to no avail.

Was it inside his head?

A bright flash of light erupted behind his closed eyes, making him gasp again, this time in pain.

A familiar weight appeared on his back once the light subsided. With a thud, he felt ground under his feet. And with the ground under his feet, he heard another low noise. Link opened his eyes, roaming his surroundings with his gaze, taking every little thing in.

Out of instinct, he reached for the two hilts on his back, unsheathing the swords in a swift motion. Holding them crossed in front of him, his eyes searched for a threat.

There it was, right in front of him.

The creature was about 11 feet tall, pink, and blue diamonds sticking out of its scaly nacre colored skin. Resembling the figure of a huge saurian of some kind, it roared loudly, making its fangs visible. Its aquamarine eyes were fixing the hero and his two swords with a predatory manner, as it stomped its right front foot once, twice.

Turquoise lines of force surrounded its base, growing in caliber, shaking the ground beneath it. As if Link knew what was coming, he braced himself, slightly buckling his knees before he did a black flip, right before the strange beam would have made contact with his legs, the swords still being held on his sides.

After that, the creature seemed to be in a daze and Link used that little timeframe.

He dashed forward, getting back into the crossed posture, moving his arms on instinct. He basically tries to not clash the swords against one another.

It worked, somehow, according to the stars the metal gave up on impact with the monster.

Link wasn't even sure what he was doing anymore. He just... Did it.

A low delighted chime entered his mind, filling every corner of his head, followed by one a little bit higher but equally happy as the monster has to step back. Link felt his lips stretching into a smile.

The creature jumped a few feet away before turning a bit to prepare for the next attack.

It opened its mouth, pink fangs visible, as it inhaled. Only seconds after, a blue fire was erupting out of its mouth. Link immediately tried to dodge by lifting his hands and swords to his face. He felt the cold breeze of the icy fire reaching him and knew, it would be miraculous if that wouldn't hit him.

He prepared himself for impact, waited.

Nothing came.

Instead, the fire simply rolled off his sides as if it was nothing.

On second glance he saw the diamond barrier that was surrounding his figure, coming out of his darker sword. It was familiar, but Link was sure, he never saw that before.

Simply waiting that attack out, Link awed at the barrier around him.

Eventually, the beast ended its blast with a particular loud roar, halting briefly, before its right foot stomped down again with that loud thud, Link becoming aware, that the shrill from before hadn't disappeared.

Link backflipped again, before attacking the scaly skin once more. Deep down he knew, that any other sword wouldn't do any damage.

Deep down he knew, that this creature was too divine for that.

And a brief thought crossed his mind.

What exactly was he fighting?

The shrill increased, becoming white noise, as he let the swords falling down with a rough clank into the dirt.

Link pressed his hands against his ears, the shrill noise almost getting unbearable.

And suddenly, as if someone just snapped their fingers, everything went quiet only to be followed by a low genderless chuckle.

"Do you really think, you are doing the right thing, hero?"

And with that, Link's mind fell unconscious. 

Yeah. Does he really do the right things? Who knows. 

Ahhh I'm feeling quite giddy today, I nearly forgot how writing feels like. This is the longest story I've ever written. Honestly, when I first started writing this, I never thought of publishing it. It first started out as a small headcanon what if Link was a teacher? What if I pair it with some confusion, love, and a new adventure? The idea originally came from a Ghiralink mmd on youtube called unravel, hence the title xD It's actually my favorite mmd also. The first rough draft was written back in the like June or July 2019, and almost half a year later I decided to rewrite this whole thing and publish it. I loved how the ideas were literally flowing out of my hands!! 

I hope you enjoyed this double update. I really did. My favorite OC is being introduced soon, I just love their personality lmao 

Enough blabbering. 

Take care, I love yall and stay tuned!


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