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I'm sorry for the long wait, but here we are with another chapter. Hope you like it.. I have written almost 12 chapters of the story now, so the next update should come in time.

This was basically his life, teaching teenagers between the age of ten to 17. And he loved it.

It was a blessing that the headmaster offered him that job. The time after Demise was defeated he remembered that he has been feeling empty, without a purpose.

A weapon without a destination was useless after all. And that's what he felt like. He felt like a mere weapon and transcending back into his old life seemed almost impossible.

The darkness was sometimes too much. The lack of a purpose resulted in overthinking. Not just once he caught himself in the middle of licking his blade.

Shaking his head, he closed the door behind him. It was Friday, weekend was something he still loved.

Maybe he would even make a visit to the surface.


Since Zelda, Groose and eight other people left Skyloft first, around 100 other people followed them the past seven years. They created a little village in Faron Woods.

With sure steps, Link got to the edge of the floating island, taking another step and jumping down the ledge. Instinctively he took his fingers between his lips, whistling for his dear friend and loftwing to mount it right in the air.

Another feeling of relief rushed through his body as the cold air hit his heated face, the constant feeling of anxiety pushed away.

To Faron, he thought.


The moment he placed a foot onto the green surface of the woods he was greeted by a little laughter from a kid.

He looked at her recognizing that it was Zelda's little daughter Phoshe, her hair more resembling the red of her father Groose.

'Hey Phoshe' he signed, he made up a symbol of leaves moving in the winds by wiggling his fingers. She was a forest child named after the Faron Woods and he thought that was fitting.

At first she didn't recognize him until her eyes lit up with familiarity. "Link!" She exclaimed, before she hugged his legs. She was seven years old and reached just his hips in height. But she was bright for her age with a huge portion of curiosity.

'Could you bring me to your mother?' He asked her, a small smile on his lips. She nodded eagerly, taking his hand in hers pulling him after her.

"Link, I made friends with some of the Kikwi. His name is Lopsa." She chattered with enthusiasm in her voice. Link snickered a bit. 'Were you playing in the trees again, Phoshe?'

Her face reddened a bit. "I know, I know, please don't tell mom."

"Don't tell mom what?" Another female voice joined. Link's head jolted up, eyes meeting with Zelda's hard ones. 'That Phoshe ate the last bar of chocolate yesterday.'

Zelda held the gaze with Link just a second longer before laughing brightly, her eyes softening. "Oh Link, where have you been? What do you do here? Come in." She waved him towards her, opening the door to her and Groose's hut. "We missed you"

'Sorry, was occupied with the students.' He stepped inside. The interior hasn't changed much since his last visit. If any it was a lot more cozier.

"A whole year?" A male voice joined, a redhead following shortly after. "Anyway, nice to see you again."

'Groose' Link nodded as a greeting. "Come sit down, boy." Groose motioned to a free seat in front of him at the table. "It's almost lunchtime. Do you want to eat with us?" Zelda asked him, her hand placed on his shoulder. It was kinda tense and a little bit awkward but the whiny "please" from Phoshe made him take the offer.

After he got a plate full of some yellowish supper like dish with some sort of meat in it, he sat down, deep in thoughts.

His first spoon full of the dish, however, caused him to moan delightfully at the taste on his tongue. 'What's that? It's delicious. I never ate anything like that before.'

Zelda giggled a bit. "It's called curry. That spicy flavor you just tasted consists of a condiment that has its origins in the desert region of Lanayru. It's quite delicious, yes."

Link was engrossed in his meal, thinking about all the great dishes he missed here on the surface. Just as he was almost done, he realized that Zelda's eyes were resting on him. He looked up, mouth still full of the last bits of rice. He gulped down, slowly taking his glass of water in his hand, before taking a sip or two.

Zelda sighed a little bit. "As much as I'm filled with delight to see you after such a long time I still wonder why you are here." Her eyes lingered on his face. When she saw that he was about to sign a response she shook her head. "No. Let me elaborate. You never just once visited the surface for about a year now because you were occupied with the students. Don't tell me there is no real reason behind your visit. I know you, Link. I've known you for 25 years. I see that there is something more behind it."

Link gulped, suddenly feeling caught and trapped under her gaze. After thinking much about the right words he hesitantly lifted his hands.

'I came to see if everything was alright. I was concerned that something might have happened. Maybe...' He stilled again, sighing inaudibly. 'I have that strange feeling.'

At first, Zelda frowned, deep in thoughts about what Link was trying to explain until there was a sudden knowing light in her eyes. She closed them shortly before she opened her mouth. "That happened years ago. You see, everything is alright. The village developed quite well in the past, we even have some kind of economy happening here. There aren't any... Any threats going on here and the remaining evil creatures were defeated long ago by our knights. I can reassure you that the village is doing well. If you don't believe me, you can see it for yourself."

There was that slight disappointment in her voice that kinda threw Link off guard, knowing that if he would actually see it for himself, Zelda's disapproval would only deepen. After all that was Zelda's territory now, she would know if something wasn't right.

So he nodded.

But he still couldn't ignore that feeling in his gut. That anxiety he only once felt before. It felt like bites in his stomach and he had to muster all his strength to maintain his composure. He managed to give her a small smile.

Maybe he was still too paranoid.

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