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The students stood around him, looking at Link with concern in their eyes. Link stood up, legs still a bit wobbly, using his sword to secure himself.

He was deep in thought. He should have checked if he was dead. He shouldn't just assume things.

'What you-" There was a huge tremble in his hand as he looked at his students. He shook his hands violently and started again, this time a bit surer. 'What just happened stays here. Talk to nobody about today's events. I have to- I have to do some research.'

An unsure hand lifted inside the small crowd. It was Elena. "You said he should be dead. Who was that, Link?" She asked, voice strong in contrast to her shaky hand.

Link sighed, his eyes darting over the group. 'He is linked to my past in some way or another. I have to make sure before jumping to conclusions. Please stay safe. Until-'

But Link was interrupted again because of another student. He was pointing at something on the ground.

Ram's voice boomed to Link's pointed ears. "Look, it's a sword." He was about to crouch down before another student said that he probably shouldn't touch that.

Link frowned, sheathing his master sword, he stepped forward.

There was indeed laying a sword on the ground. Its blade was pitch black, the hilt bloody red, containing a small amber-colored gem right above an upside-down triforce.

'All classes are dismissed until further instructions. I will go see headmaster Gaepora. Please. Everything that happened stays here.'

The students nodded in unison, there gazes wearily running over the yard. Soon after that, they left Link all by himself. He sighed as he fixed the sword with his eyes laying on the ground. Out of instinct, he got the old sailcloth out of his pocket, wrapping the sword into it. He felt safer doing that than just touching the plain thing.

He inspected it further, even taking out his master sword just to compare them.

They were equal in length, equal in weight, equal in power. He felt it. The only difference was that the blade of the dark sword was thinner, more like a rapier but wielded like a sword nonetheless.

And the colors were different obviously. The sword was almost a dark copy of Fi.

Securing his master sword back on his shoulder strap, he made sure that the shadowy sword was fully covered hidden from curious eyes.

He made his way to headmaster Gaepora, in his mind replaying the events from before.

How could that be possible? He should be dead.

Melted in Eldin's volcano.

He shouldn't be walking around just like that.

Link knocked twice firmly on the huge wooden door and after he heard the strong voice allowing him to come in he just kinda wanted to turn around and go.

He didn't want to deal with it.

He didn't want to deal with his past.

"Link", he greeted the boy, his smile glued to his lips. When he saw Link's solemn expression, however, his smile wavered only slightly.

'Headmaster', he signed with one hand, a bit difficult due to the second wrapped sword in his other hand. Gaepora's glance wandered over the swordsman, lingering on the bundle of cloth a little longer before he frowned slightly.

The elder closed the assignment he was just grading and drew his complete attention to Link. "What's the matter, my boy?", he asked, his head tilted to one side as he motioned for him to come closer and sit down on the chair.

Link stepped forward, the lump in his throat growing as he sat down in front of the headmaster. After some hesitance, he placed the sword in front of him on the desk, unwrapping it, carefully not to touch the material.

Another shaky sigh left Link's lips, as his eyes traveled to Gaepora's face, studying his reaction.

'When I was about to end today's lesson something happened again.' Link started, not quite knowing what to say. He thought a bit before he continued.

'I remember that a dagger landed on the shield, the force causing me to step back.' He held up one of the three daggers that were thrown at them before. 'The next thing was that the intruder appeared, slowly stepping towards me-'

Link was interrupted by Gaepora. "Do you know the identity of the intruder?" Link nodded but shrugged at the same time.

'Yes, kind of but it's impossible. He might be tied to the past. Demise had a sword spirit similar to Fi. His name was Ghirahim.' Link carefully spelled the name. 'He and his sword disappeared after I defeated Demise and I thought he was dead, maybe even melted or something. I was destroying his very core with the master sword, impaling the gemstone inside his chest. I even sometimes feel the pulsating in my hand, resembling a heartbeat. I thought I destroyed him. I... I really hoped he was dead and now he just appeared.' Link's hand began to shake violently as pictures of the master sword impaling inside the diamond graced his mind. His ears rang with the agonized screams of pain and fright.

'Just like that. He threatened me, almost choking me right there and then. I don't know what held him back, he wanted to avenge his master. After all, he said that. Even Fi had chimed in my head. She never did that once the past eight years. But then he disappeared. One of the trainees found the sword lying on the ground. Out of safety reasons I forbid the students to talk about today's events and canceled all remaining classes.'

Gaepora was silent for a long time, looking deep in thought, his eyes trailed over the dark blade in front of him.

Link's suspense grew exponentially. He thought he reacted somehow in a way he shouldn't have and felt guilty. He also felt like he was blamed that Ghirahim had apparently returned.

Gaepora breathed in. "That's a lot to take in. You are sure that this was Demise's sword spirit?" Link nodded.

Gaepora's hand hovered over the blade, almost touching it but drew it back. "You reacted the right way. Though it'll push y'all a bit back, it's for the best to cancel the classes until the situation is back under control. Do you think he was maybe also the reason the doll went alive?" Link nodded again, suddenly feeling the exhaustion in his head. The screams were still resonating in his ears.

"Maybe he wasn't that dead then..." Gaepora said quietly. "I... would advise you to maybe talk to Zelda. Maybe she has any further instructions or something." His eyes rested on the blade again. "I'm just assuming but could that be the new body, the temple of Ghirahim's spirit?" Link shrugged his shoulders when a sudden shower ran down his spine.

"I don't know," he said, suddenly wondering where the urge to actually talk came from. "I would like to watch over the sword." His voice was rough on the edges from disuse.

Gaepora went over it. Though it was rare, it wasn't the first time, he heard Link talk. "I think that would be best. I know that the sword would be the safest when watched by you."

Link nodded, already standing up. 'I will visit the surface tomorrow morning.' He signed, rewrapping the sword back into the cloth.

"Link?" The swordsman turned around at the door, looking back at the headmaster with questioning eyes. The headmaster's smile was back on his lips. "Please stay safe and take care."

Link returned the smile slightly before he bid his goodbyes.

Hey folks! I'm sorry that this took a while but work started again and I feel like my creativity is leaving me slowly lmao however after I met up with some friends I got some kind of boost so here I am!

I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope the next update will come a bit earlier... ^^

Anyway, until next time! Have a nice day/night!

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