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"Thank you, Kayda, you may go." There was hesitation. "Y-your majesty?" Kayda's voice had a slight undertone of uncertainty to it. "You are dismissed!" Despite the clear childish tone, Farore's voice was steady and firm. It was strange. A small sigh was heard as Kayda bowed a little, muttering 'yes, ma'am' before she retreated.

Farore was watching them out of emerald eyes, frown dancing around her forehead as she tapped one slender finger on her armchair. The sound of her long fingernail scratching the surface was heard, as she stood up on short but toned legs. There were various markings on her dark skin. She smoothed out her short green dress, as her luscious green hair flowed around her face.

Her pointed ears were slightly trembling but otherwise she maintained such calmness that Link visibly relaxed under his skin. Nonetheless he stayed in his position, even, when he was startled to death as one of her fingers reached out to touch the hilt of the master sword.

"Hero of the Skies", she addressed him, her voice soft. "Please rise, I want to see you properly."

On unsteady legs, Link straightened himself, still not quite meeting Farore's eyes. He was standing in front of a goddess, one he always has seen as someone higher than probably Hylia herself.

Right. There were still many things to unravel.

Farore was absorbing the blue of Link's eyes as she tilted her face to one side, taking in the blonde fringe framing his roundish face. She smiled lightly as she raised her hand, putting it gently on the hero's forehead. She closed her own green eyes for a moment.

"I'm glad", she muttered, still smiling. "You did wonderful, hero of the skies."

Link opened his mouth as if trying to speak but there was that certain anxiety bubbling in his throat again. Reluctantly, he raised his hands instead, signing. "Thank you, your highness." A short pause, then, "Your words mean a lot and I appreciate your choice of me wielding that", he waved the hand marked by the triforce. His smile was genuine.

Farore on the other hand was frowning. "I see how it is. Can't really have someone who is talking back, right?"

Link's hands froze midair, to which the goddess only shook her head. "By all means, I'm not blaming you, Link. I blame the one that is at fault for stealing your voice even if it's just momentarily." She shook her head and muttered something that Link couldn't quite understand.

"So hero, demon, sewer", she clapped her hands if nothing just happened. "What brings you three here? You surely weren't visiting just to chat, were you?"

Ghirahim shook his head, dismissing the way she just addressed him. "If I may speak up", he started and out of a glint of respect he fixed his gaze to the floor. He wouldn't go as far as kneeling on the fucking surface but this was a goddess after all. One he wouldn't want to get on the bad side anyway. "We are not alone in this room. You see, the hero's sword", he motioned Link to draw Fi from his back, "She is a sword spirit polished in a way that isn't conforming her true personality. Fi... her form now was forged by three sacred flames, all apparently representing you, Nayru and Din." Ghirahim paused, watching Farore's fallen expression as the gears in her head were turning.

"Am I right in believing you didn't even know of their existence?" He was now looking at her face, whatever ounce of respect slowly fading. She shook her head. "Oh, I did know about them. Now, what I didn't even consider was her actually putting them in use. They... they are not meant to forge, form or deform a sword. At least not the way they have. Fi? Would you please show yourself? You are safe here."

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