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I actually have an update for y'all that is way faster than fvcking five months lmao xD
Have some fluff I guess before everything goes crazy :)

It didn't fit. It just didn't fit.

The emotion inside his eyes was something that didn't fit the image Link had of Ghirahim, former sword spirit of the epitome of evil Demise.

He did the first thing that came to his mind.

He backed away, back flush against the headboard, knees pulled to his chest. The emotion on his face changed into something Link couldnt quite place just yet.

But his mind was blank anyway.

You managed to kill him.

Demise's voice was resonating in his ears, taunt glaced over every single word. Link's hands were shaking slightly as he stroked his face lightly, going through the mess he called his hair.

"Do you want to talk?"

Link winced terribly as Ghirahim's sonorous words interrupted his trail of thoughts. He almost forgot that the demon was still there, watching him with that emotion still apparent in his eyes.

The skyloftian frowned at that. Ghirahim tilted his head to the side, watching the human as he opened his mouth but no sound came out of it. With a look of desperation he fixed his hands, a slight tremble running through his fingers as he made fists before a sigh escaped his lips.

Link noticed that Ghirahim had moved away at this point now sitting on the edge of the bed rather than kneeling in front of the blonde boy. He was still facing the human, now waiting for whatever he was up to.


It was a simple question. Really. But it had so much more meaning to it that it was Ghirahim's turn to frown now. He felt a bit taken aback. He looked away.

"Look, I'm trying to make this whole ordeal work. I know I made a lot of mistakes, things that I will never be able to justify. But to make this work I need you to be honest." Ghirahim gulped audibly as he examined his finger nails.

Link felt as if he was struck by lightning. All pride has left Ghirahim's body at this point as he saw his head slumped down into his chest, his shoulders just hanging.

But no. That must be a trick. An illusion. This couldn't be real. The side of his neck stung a bit. Maybe this wasn't something his mind came up with after all.

Link made sure that he had Ghirahim's attention before he moved his hands slowly, concentrating to hide the shake.

'I don't know how to trust you.' The emotion inside Ghirahim's eyes just grew at that as he shifted a bit, one leg pulling up while his gaze lingered on the human.

"I can't kill you!" The white man blurted out, a hand lifting itself to his mouth with a small gasp. "I mean, even if I wanted to I am not even able to do so anymore. With you as my master and Demise being destroyed." He hesitated slightly before adding: "Even though I am way past that point by now."

So at what point are you now? Link really wanted to ask that question. But would he like the answer? He refused it.

A small chuckle left Ghirahim's lips. "So... up to talk?"

Link sighed. He knew it was pointless to go back to sleep so why not sort things out at least?

'It's difficult... processing everything and all. I just grew accustomed with being a teacher and now I am just being thrown into yet another adventure. Maybe my mind doesn't know how to cope. Maybe...' I'm broken. But he didn't sign out that last part of the sentence.

Ghirahim waited for something more but then just glanced away, frown a bit deepening. He sighed. "Believe it or not but nightmares are something that haunted my sleep for so long. Most of them consisted of me being... punished for what ever my former master deemed as wrong or as a failure, being the result of my consistent fear of him as I realized after he perished. I've been feeling glad that I don't need sleep every night. They still haunt me to this day, though, not as persistent, but they still do." Ghirahim slowly lifted his gaze towards Link's face. Link still couldn't place the emotion inside his eyes.

What should he probably answer to that? Link was overstrained, not knowing how to react and soon regretted not reacting in any way at all as Ghirahim visually closed up again. He rose up to his legs in a swift motion, back straightening with regained pride. "I'm sorry. I'll give you some space, sky child." He was about to reach for the sword again but was interrupted by the loud rustle of blankets and the taps of bare feet hitting the ground. The demon tensed under his chosen form as he felt the firm grip of a hand around his wrist. He turned his head around with a questioning look on his face. "No!" The human yelled, slight desperation mixing in his tone. Link blinked his eyes as if realizing something. He shook his head lightly before looking the demon lord straight into the eyes. "I mean-" but his voice broke away under the strain his chords were put under. He lifted his hands reluctantly. 'I mean, please stay, if you are comfortable with that. I... I don't want to be alone right now.'

Ghirahim looked back into Link's face, eyes fixing his sky blue ones. He eventually nodded after some time. "I will", he spoke quietly, body turning back around completely.

Link felt heat rising in his cheeks as he realized what he just suggested. He was glad that the room was just barely lit.

With much shifting Link glided back under the sheets, eyeing Ghirahim who settled down on the edge of the bed, his back lightly touching Link's knees. Laying on the side, Link spaced a bit out, not really realizing what was happening until he felt a slender hand touching his own. The fingers were brushing over Link's in a way as if trying to erase any tension from his posture.

"Sleep, sky child."

And Link's eyes got so heavy that he barely noticed the small smile that was creeping around his lips as his own fingers touched around the slightly colder limbs of the paler hand. Soon enough his breathing evened out, the smile still apparent on his mouth.

This time he would dream of a world where no one was stalking him, no one was fighting him. The world he was living in was bright, peaceful, in complete harmony. It was a world he wished he lived in.

After rereading this chapter I busted a huge uwu xD but like also feels rather melancholic.
I hope you enjoy the turn everything makes :) I am currently four chapters ahead so more should be coming soon!

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