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A week has passed by since that day and Link thought about throwing the shard over the edge of Skyloft at this rate. He hasn't slept a second the past few nights. Though he was tired beyond belief he just couldn't sleep. He never experienced that before.

He was going insane at this point. He considered visiting the surface. Heck, the urge to see if Zelda and Groose and Phoshe and all the others were safe and sound grew stronger and stronger from day to day. He considered just telling them what happened. He wanted to just pour his heart out and whine to someone who would listen to him.

He found himself getting more and more stressed over what has happened. He felt guilty. He should have been more cautious, should have checked the wooden doll. Should have checked for spells. Should have checked for their safety. Should have checked if it has perished. Should have checked if he was dead-

Link was going insane.

The wind was howling in his ears this morning, the only other sound the clanking of his sword against his shield on his back.

He went over the events the last few days in his mind. As he requested, more guards were patrolling at night. The swordsman kept tightly in touch with them but nothing other than some Remlits going nuts at night has happened.


That was good.

Link's steps were leading him to the bazaar, dropping in to get some food from the merchant beside the potion lady. He greeted Peatrice with a small smile but otherwise stayed silent as usual.

He soon left the warmth of the shop welcoming the cold around him again. Living up in the sky means that it was chilly almost every day.

It must have been half-past seven in the morning by now. Munching on a piece of pumpkin bread his thoughts traveled back to the day the doll went alive.

He went over and over it. It caused him almost a headache. He was missing something. The last part of the puzzle. It was lingering at the edge of his mind. Like a spider waiting for the next dumb insect that would get caught in her net. He was missing something. He was missing someone.

The blonde didn't even realize that his steps lead him to the edge of the floating island. Tensing up his jaw he grabbed that sky-blue crystal and turned it around in the light the rising sun gave him.

"Goddesforsaken thing", he mumbled, his gaze full of distaste, disapproval, and disappointment. He extended his arm, ready to throw it off the edge. He breathed in and out. In and out. Finally, after what felt like minutes he managed to throw it off the edge with much force, immediately feeling the relief in his core.

And fatigue.

He would call in sick, he couldn't teach like that.


Link actually managed to sleep for 14 hours that night. That was the longest since like forever and he felt deeply refreshed the next morning.

He felt like he could chomp down some trees. He felt like he could hug the world. He felt happy.

The anxiety has lifted off from his chest. Without the burning blue crystal in his pocket, it got easier to breathe normally again.

He was excited to go back to teaching today's class. He was almost giddy.

He prepared wooden practice swords on the side for his advanced level class as well as some shields.

As Link promised, his students will have the chance to duel today against each other. He decided that some real practice and experience will do them well after all.

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