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A lot had changed the past eight years since the first group of Skyloftians left the island in the clouds.

After nearly a year Link was able to visit the surface for the first time. While at first, he had plenty of free time and fun visiting them on the surface whenever he wanted (which was almost every other day), he soon found delight in something different.

Link got the opportunity to pass on his knowledge of swordsmanship to new knights at his school, working as their instructor and teacher. He found himself to have a new life task within that.

Horwell, Owlan's brother, volunteered to teach the adolescent knights sign language so teaching the children became a lot easier.

However, with teaching the younglings here up in Skyloft, he didn't have much space left to visit Zelda, Groose and the others on the surface, so soon it simply died down. In fact, his last visit was almost a year ago.

Link didn't complain.

He was happy whenever he heard the giggling of the young boys and girls of the first grade who are eager to learn what it means to be a knight, to become a fighter.

This morning, however, was different. He awoke with a strange feeling in his gut, last time he had that was almost eight years ago now. He knew that feeling all too well when anxiety was creeping up your neck.

Link shoved it aside nonetheless as he jogged out of the school building to the huge training area which was constructed five years ago used for outdoor lessons only.

His first class today was the advanced level, he placed the straw dolls prior. He even used wooden dolls this time as they swung around when hit. It would help practicing shield blocking easily.

It was the advanced level after all.

The last wooden doll was thrust into the ground with a grunt, as Link wiped his forehead. He admired his work shortly, as the school bell rang. After that, the students stumbled out of the building to the training grounds where Link stood, chattering all over the place.

The classes were small, about ten students each, sometimes even less. Link found that the most comfortable. Also, nothing else was possible since birth rate wasn't that high anymore.

They all greeted Link with a simultaneously "Good Morning". He nodded back.

He waited until they calmed a bit.

'Today I prepared dummies for you. Show me what I taught you in the last theory lesson. We start with a simple swing to the left. There are five straw dolls. Please get into groups of two. and take one each.' He signed as clear and slow as he could. Thankfully everyone understood him, as they shuffled around.

Soon every pair had a doll in front of them. They automatically looked at Link again. 'Get into fighting stance and start. I will watch you and take notes.'

The slashing of swords were heard. Thankfully, the dolls were magically prepared, they couldn't be destroyed at all.

Link went through the basic sword techniques. Slashing, stabbing and thrusting were pretty much good attacks to defend oneself when surrounded by weak monsters.

The human was pleased with his class at the end.

'Okay, next time we take this whole thing a step further with the spin attack and fatal blow. Do you have questions after today?' His blue eyes gazed over the small group of students. One hesitantly lifted her arm. Her name was Edasi. "C-can you show us how you fight? I think I speak for the class when s-saying, we admire you, Link"

To be honest, the green-clothed man thought this question would come way sooner. 'Though I don't do this usually, see this as a onetime thing.' He signed before taking out his own sword. It was Fi. After finishing the quest he refused to wield any other sword beside her. He knew she was sleeping within the sword, haven't talked to him ever since that day. But he didn't mind at all.

Link got into position in front of a wooden doll, the students backing a bit away. 'These are the ordinary slashes.' He signed sloppily with one hand. He gripped his sword tighter.

He swung his sword from right to left. 'Vertical.' He swung his sword down. 'Horizontal' The next motion was crossed. 'Diagonal'

Link smirked a little at the oh's and ah's of the group. 'The next will be the vertical spin attack'

He swung his sword around, somewhat spinning in himself, turning on his feet in a strangely fast movement. The students clapped a bit, as the wooden doll lay on the grass now.

'And the last one, the Fatal blow which is a good technique to finish off your enemy.'

He stabbed the sword into the chest of the doll, clearly visible to all the teenagers. They even whistled this time.

Link was someone they looked up to, admired. He was a legend to them, a legend they could learn from and seeing him in his almost perfect stance, with every slash and blow placed so precisely they once again only got it confirmed that he was the greatest knight alive.

He was the hero after all.

'That's it for today. You are dismissed.' The students left after bowing as goodbyes to which Link only could roll his eyes. He always told them they didn't have to bow, he was an ordinary human. Nothing more.

He shook his head slightly as he removed the remaining dolls, placing them in a small hut at the side.

Link's next lesson would begin in around two hours.

He once again let his eyes travel around the area upon the strange feeling of being watched. But he shook his head. He was being paranoid.

Nothing more.

He quickly left the yard, already preparing his next class in his mind.

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