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Finally, I can introduce my most favorite OC I ever created. I just love them so much, I really want some art of them tbh xD Anyways, the plot thickens. We are finally entering a new realm of sorts. Enjoy! 

The darkness was sometimes comforting. Sleep was something to relax, refresh. Sleep can also be used to escape from reality. Sleep can be a coping mechanism. The darkness was sometimes comforting. Dwelling in it addicting, swimming in the voids thrilling. Floating in the middle of nowhere, where one's mind was finally shut down. The only feeling was the heavy eyelids touching each other, lashes intertwined, a sweet lullaby carried by the wind.

A dreamless sleep was something Link really craved from time to time so he tried to go back into the endless dark voids that he called sleep, but with the increasing noise outside the door, he just couldn't. His eyes remained closed though.

He became aware of the thick fluffy sheets he was laying under, the smell of wood around him, as a light shone through the window, making his efforts to go back to sleep impossible. The rays of sunshine were almost screaming at him to wake up fully.

His ears twitched, as the sound of steps reached them, halting right in front of what he thought was the door to his room. Link stirred slightly, as the door opened, a gust of coldness reaching his face.

He blinked once or twice groggily as he finally adjusted to the light around him.

"You are awake", came the remark from the door and Link recognized the voice as Ghirahim's before he had to see him.

"What... What happened? I remember the forest... And then I was fighting..."

"When we landed on the clearing, you fell unconscious. The spirits of the forest were toying with your mind." Ghirahim wandered to a side table, opening the cupboards, roaming the interior in search of something.

"You brought me here." Came the slightly dumbfound statement from Link.

"No, you flew your way here."

Link rolled his eyes at that. His head was slightly spinning, the scent of wood, vanilla, and cinnamon increasing in his nose suddenly. "Where is here anyway?"

A small sound of delight came from Ghirahim's mouth before he turned around with a bottle of blue potion. "We are at the house of an old friend. They have owed me a favor from long ago."

"You've been here before?"

"I was." And with that Ghirahim held out the potion for the Skyloftian to take. "Down with that liquid", Ghirahim smiled a bit lopsided.

"What is that?" Link still couldn't bring himself to trust the demon lord so quickly. Ghirahim on the other side only rolled his eyes. "It'll revive your strength and energy." But Link still looked a bit hesitant so Ghirahim just opened the bottle for him.

"Should I demonstrate by drinking it myself? That way you will have your certainty but also have nothing left to help you back to get yourself going properly. Despite... Must I remind you that I'm incapable of lying?" There was a strain in the demon's voice that Link couldn't quite place but it was also what made him drink the blue substance.

Link snatched the glass out of Ghirahim's hand, ignoring the faint feeling of his fingers against his own skin before downing the bottle. It was strangely sticky on his tongue but tasted surprisingly good for a potion. The potions he got in Skyloft always tasted bitter in the end but this one tasted sweet, almost like vanilla ice cream.

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