Halfway and 3/4 There

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Sorry for the long wait. I'm a very forgetful person. Anyway, enjoy!

[Chilled's PoV]

It's been one month since he was turned. His birthday is coming up soon. It's April, 8th right now and his birthday is April 12th. He would be 23 at that point but nope, he'll probably be still 11 or 12. It saddens me for him to be like this. Only 3' 6" tall, half his normal height and he always has that silly grin on his face that reminds me of old Ze.

Sometimes when he and Jess are asleep and the guys aren't bothering me, I'll go to his channel and click on one of his videos of him and I and the Derp Crew or other people. I would stare at his face and only pay attention to his voice and the way he would scream. You could see me in the background smiling as we played our games and whenever we would be a team and win we would kiss. The others had no idea that we were actually in a relationship until I told them the story of how he came to be like that and how he came to be like, this.

"Chilly Willy!" A young Ze shouted.

"Looks like you need to go take care of something." Smarty said.

"Yeah. No shit Sherlock. Be right back, hopefully." I said as I went afk from Gmod TTT to tend to Ze.

"What is it Steven?" I asked. 

"Make me something!" He yelled.

"Can you ask nicely?" I asked. He looked to be thinking for a moment before he shook his head no. "What do you want?"

"I want your pasta." He said. I chuckled as I said I'll be a moment before I went to the office to tell the guys that I had to go make dinner for him. I got everything set up and food was ready in just 25 minutes. I served some to Ze, then myself and left the rest on the stove for Jess who should be getting home at any moment. As if right on cue, she walked through the door.

"Anthony, I smell something good." She said as she walked to the kitchen to see Ze and I eating there. I smiled up at her as she grabbed some pasta and sat down next to Ze and I. It was like we were a whole, happy family but no one is married and the two who are/were in a relationship one was a small kid half the size of normal. It has slowed down like his speed with wanting to do things with me but I do let him use the computer now. I only let him have one monitor on at a time and I need to be in the office with him while he's using it and I haven't told him about all of his accounts on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram or anything else. I made a fake and temporary account for him with an old email of mine. I was taking all precautions neccessary here to keep him away until he realizes stuff himself.

The more he grows up, the more I see the real Ze in him. It took only another couple weeks before he looked to be 17 or 18 and was talking to me normally like we used to talk when we first played Minecraft together. I'm getting him back and I'm excited. After all this time, he was almost at his regular height, his face was still fairly clean but had some stubble, but I know I couldn't kiss him until he knew or was ready. I was going to let him make the first move and if it's in another month from now then I'll do it myself

"Hey Ze." I said as walked into the office to see him sitting there on his computer.

"Hey Chilled. Why am I here with you? And since when did you move?" He asked.

"That's a long story for later dude. How about we play some Minecraft or something." I suggested. He openly agreed to it and started a server. We decided to not record because I wanted to wait until he had the knowledge and got all his questions out before we even dared to record again. Later that day, Ze had gone to bed while I was up late working. I called some friends and they picked up. Max Nanners, Smarty, Galm, and Minx.

"So Chilled, how's everything going with Ze? Is he recovering? How old is he now?" Were the questions asked by many of my peers.

"Ok guys, this is the situation right now. Ze, he's about the age where he would be recording shit with me or the creatures, swearing, not giving a fuck. I would say about 17 or 18 years of age. I think there's gonna be another two weeks before everything is back to normal. Where he's updated on games, events, our history, not just me and him but all of us." I explained.

"That's good. For the meantime, wanna play some Gmod? I've heard rumors about a new map just for us, the derp crew." Smarty said.

"It's not the Derp Crew without Ze. I just want him back so badly." I said.

"Why? So you can hold him, love him, kiss him and do other shit to his body that nobody else can and will do because you won't let them?" Galm asked.

"YES!" I nearly screamed. Everyone went silent at my reaction. They should know better than to do this to me. I loaded up the map in Trouble in Terrorist Town and joined everyone on it. Around the map kind of like Town of Salem but only 5 houses instead of 15. I went into one house and of course, it had to be the one with pictures of Ze. I forced back tears as I was a Traitor had Minx as my partner.

"Chilled, where are you?" Nanners asked.

"None of your business." I said as I entered a room that was covered with wall to wall with pictures of just Ze, Ze and I, or Ze and other friends. I hopped onto the bed with red sheets and I looked at the pictures of just Ze and pretended to take off my pants and start jerking it, making fake moaning sounds. I heard a door open and turned my camera to see Smarty's character standing there.

"Uh guys. I think Chilled has gone crazy." Smarty said.

"No Smarty. I've gone chaotic." I said as I killed him with one shot to the head.

"Fuck!" He yelled and everyone else laughed not only at my pun but Smarty's reaction to me killing him.

"What exactly did you see Smarty?" Galm asked.

"Well, I walked into Ze's house and when I opened a room, there sat Chilled, on a bed, staring at pictures of Ze while jerking it and then he killed me." Smarty explained. I looked through my sniper outside and spotted Galm about to go into another house but with one shot he was dead. 

"God dammit sniper Chilled from Ze's house." Galm said while increasingly getting louder. I chuckled under my breath as I looked around for more victums. I saw Minx was running around and she saw me and we passed each other by as she went into another house.

"Fucking Minx and Chilled are traitors!" Galm yelled as Max ran by and I shot him once and backed away because I didn't kill him.

"Now why would you say that and ruin the fun Galm?" I asked in a creepy, kid like voice but not as good as Lui does it. That guy has the perfect kid voice and it always makes for awesome recording sessions.  

I heard a gunshot and Minx scream and then in the top right corner it said 'Gassy_Mexican found the body of Minx. He was a traitor.'

"You were right Galm!" Max shouted.

"Oh shit." I mumbled underneath my breath. I killed Max once he came out of the house and used a trap to kill Nanners. We played for another good few hours before some called it a night. I went to bed next to Jess but not looking at her and only thinking of Ze. How much he looks like he usual self and how he's only a few years off from being back to regular. 

And that's it for this chapter. I will be posting another chapter to make up for being gone and all but until then, remember to like/vote on this chapter, comment down for more because it will actually remind me to post more chapters and in all, stay wonderful everyone. Catch you all in the next chapter! BYE!! :D

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