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"C-Catra?" Adora said. "I'm here Adora you're fine now"

"W-Where's the Akuma-" adora said and looked around. "Shit" Catra said.

"Adora, run away as fast as possible" Catra said and helped Adora up. "You too Catra" adora said and added "be careful"

Catra nodded and started running to the school bathroom. Oh shit is that-

"Catraaaaa" the akumatized glimmer said. Catra continued to run and reached the toilet.
"PLAGG CLAWS OUT" she said and transformed into chat noir.

Okay Imma just call ladybug real quick, she said and tapped on ladybug's contact name.

"Kitty?" Ladybug said. "Bon jour m'lady! There's an akumatized person in brightmoon high. I'm already there" she said.

"Okay I'm on my way, be careful chat" ladybug said. "M'lady when was I ever not careful"

"Just be careful you dork!" She said and waited in front of the school door. "Hah, Always am!" Chat noir said and ended the call.

"Catraaaa where are yo-" akumatized glimmer said but got attacked by Ladybug.
"Sorry but Catra isn't here" Chat noir said and jumped on Glimmer.

"Hola M'lady!" She said and saluted Ladybug.

"I'm just helping!" She said and made Glimmer fall with her staff. "You bitch" Glimmer said and fist punched chat noir which sent her flying to a wall.

"CHAT-"  ladybug yelled out while chat noir was groaning. "I'm fine!"

"LUCKY CHARM!" Ladybug said and got a rope. "What the fuck." She said and started to look around. Okay. I put the rope around Glimmer and Chat Noir uses her cataclysm to destroy the bracelet.

"OKAY CHAT NOIR BE CAREFUL I HAVE A PLAN" she said and started to run towards Glimmer and wrap the rope around her.

"OH OKAY I SEE" she said getting up and running towards Glimmer. "CHAT NOW"

"CATACLYSM" she said and jumped towards Glimmer and touched the bracelet. "No more evil doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize you!"
Ladybug said and caught the akuma which turned into butterfly.

"Bye bye little butterfly" she said waving at the butterfly and turned her attention towards chat noir and put her fist towards her.

"Pound it" they said and fisted each other. "Are you okay?" Ladybug asked and looked concerned. "Hm yeah just my rib, hurts a little. But it's fine M'lady don't worry" she said and held her rib.

"Okay wait, miraculous ladybug!" She said and threw the rope up to repair everything including chat noir's rib.

"Did it help?" She asked and chat noir nodded in yes. "Muchas gracias mi amor-"

Bleep bleep

"Oh shit" Chat Noir said. "M'Lady you need to go" she said and pointed at her earrings
"Oh uh yes yes! See ya kitty!" She said and jumped off.

"Whoever you are, you're amazing M'lady" chat noir said admiring her. She finally decided to go behind a wall to detransform.


"GLIMMER!" Bow said and knelt down to her. "B-Bow?" She asked as she felt arms embrace her. "Are you okay?" Bow asked and she nodded.

"God you scared me Glimmer!" Bow said and sounded serious. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay Glimmer-" bow started but saw adora in the corner of his eyes. "ADORA"

"Ohh uhh hi bow?" She said and walked over awkwardly. "Hey Adora are you okay?" He asked and pulled Glimmer up.

"Uhm I'm fine have you seen uh catra?" She asked again awkwardly which made bow look smirky at her. "What?"

"Hm nothing you've been just hanging out a lot with her" bow said and smiled at adora. "Yeah I guess? You two have been hanging out together too" adora said and started to look away.

"A-Adora?" Glimmer started. "I'm so sorry for not inviting you.."

"Hm.." adora said. "And i'm also sorry Adora we're... bad friends"

"No guys it's okay, I think I know why you didn't invite me. You two wanted to hang out alone for you know like that crush stuff and all right?"

"HOW DID YOU KNOW" Bow said shooketh.

"It was very obvious " she said and laughed. "It's okay guys really"

"Are you sure?" Glimmer asked and Adora nodded. "BEST FRIEND SQUAD HUG" bow said and embraced them into a tight hug.


"CATRA" entrapta said and scared the shit out of her. "JESUS ENTRAPTA ARE YOU INSANE?"


"FUCK" catra said and slapped her forehead. "I'm sorry Entrapta I forgot to give it to her"
"It's fine Catra! Also did you know that Perfuma and Scorpia got together?"

"WHAT" catra yelled out excitedly being happy for her bestfriend. "SINCE WHEN???"

"Let me check.... OH 1 WEEK"
"OH MY GOD ENTRAPTA WE HAVE TO FIND HER AND CONGRATULATE HER" catra said and started to pull entrapta towards the cafeteria. As they entered the cafeteria they instantly saw Perfuma and Scorpia sitting together and holding hands on the table.

"SCORPIA" Catra said and waved at her and Scorpia looked surprised. "HEY SCORPIA!" Entrapta said while Catra dragged her towards Scorpia.

"OH WILDCAT AND ENTRAPTA!!" Scorpia said getting up and embracing them into hug.
"I'm so happy for you Scorpia!" Catra said and hit scorpia's shoulder softly. "Me too!"

"Thanks wildcat and Entrapta! This is Perfuma my girlfriend" she said blushing lightly and pointing at Perfuma.

"Oh you must be Catra hello!" Perfuma said extending her hand which Catra instantly accepted. "I thought you were all that rebellious and all"

"That's me! But i'm glad that I've changed I'm kinda proud of myself!" Catra said and shook her hand.

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