chapter two

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Jessica jumped as thunder cracked outside her window. Shaking her head she got a strange feeling the someone was watching her. She glanced to the doorway of her room. A talk figure stood leaning on the door Frame one hand in his pocket and the other holding his wait above his head. Jessica slid up into the headboard folding her legs up tight to her chest. "H-hello..." Her voice trailed as she couldn't breath. Fear spread through her body. She waited for the figure to answer her. Yet he said nothing. A familiar smell lingered into the room. Jessica gasped as she realized where she had smelled the sweet Cologne before. covering her mouth with her hand. "D-Danny?" Her breath came all at once and the words came out in almost a whisper. Still no answer. She reached over the night stand and flicked on the lamp letting off a low shadow of light through the room. Jessica looked back to the doorway. It was empty. The sweet smell had vanished and her heart sunk. She tucked herself into a tight little ball. Holding her legs tight to her chest and setting her head on her knees. Letting out a long breath she fell onto her side and started to cry. "oh God Danny. Why did you have to leave?" Her voice shook with every breath she took. "Please Danny....please."

She finally caught her breath and wiped her cheeks with her middle finger. she rolled over sitting up on the bed with her legs crossed underneath her. reaching for the nightstand she grabbed her phone. Unlocking the screen she glanced at the time 3:15am. She aimlessly looked trough her messages. Somehow hopping someone would have text her. After about twenty minutes of staring at the bright screen she locked it and sat it back on the nightstand. Jessica laid her head back down on her pillow letting the thought of Danny wonder through her mind, and slowly drifted back to sleep.

The next morning Jessica got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Leaning on the cabinet she looked in the mirror. Letting out a breath and switching her wait between her feet. She picked up her hand making a fist and pushing the flat part of her hand into the mirror. Shaking her head she walked back into the bedroom and over to her closet. Taking out a pair of light jeans with jewels on the pockets and a black swoop necked sweater she hesitantly got dressed. lit a cigarette and shuffled back to the bathroom. She pinned her hair back and flat ironed her bangs on either side of her face. "That will do I suppose." She tossed her head and put out her cigarette. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. sitting at the counter she tried to choke down a bowl of cereal. She finally gave up and threw the bowl into the sink. She leaned against the edge of the cold granite top looking out the window. Jessica jumped as her phone started to go off. She put her hands to her face trying to bring herself back to reality. Picking up the phone she looked at the message that popped up. "Hey Jess wanna grab some breakfast?" She sat the phone on the counter "Shit, what do I do?" She turned back to the sink. Leaning down letting her head fall between her arms and stretching her leg pushing her butt up. "Well I guess I can't avoid him forever." She picked up her phone again and started to reply. "Sure Danny sounds grate." Pushing send Jessica sat back at the counter and waited for him to reply. She put her palms together and locked her fingers together setting her index fingers to her lips.

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