chapter 7

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Jessica woke to the warm sunlight poring threw her window lighting her face. She turned to look at Danny she could feel his steady breathing. He is so adorable when he is sleeping. She shifted in his arms resting on his chest. Watching him sleep made her so happy. Just being with him made her happy. She loved the way he held her, the way he spoke to her, and the way he protected her. She leaned up kissing him softly. Danny smiled not opening his eyes as she returned to her position resting her chin on the back of her hands. "Good morning." she smiled to him. "Mmmm...good morning baby doll." he wrapped his arms around her rubbing her back. He watched her, she looked so beautiful in the morning light her soft hair glowing around her face. The way her eyes sparkled when she smiled, her pale skin, and her lush lips. It drove him crazy how gorgeous she was all of the time but especially now. It may have been the love still lingering in the air but what ever it was he liked it. "How did you sleep?" Jessica asked in a mild tone. "Just grate. I like sleeping with you by my side. It makes everything else seem so small." Jessica laughed rolling off of him and back onto her side. "I like sleeping with you to. You make me feel safe. Like i don't have to worry about anything." Danny rolled over to kiss her placing a small kiss on her lips he laid back down letting out a long breath. "Hey, honey are you hungry?" Jessica leaned up on her elbow and Danny looked down to her flashing her a grin. "Yes ma'am!" he turned grabbing her and trowing her back onto the bed he dove into her neck sucking at her soft skin as she laughed. "Danny!....Danny stop! That's not what i meant..... Stop...." she continued to laugh as he looked up from her. "Are you sure?" he raised his eyebrow to her. "Yes, honey..... I'm sure." She huffed trying to catch her breath. " Oh what a shame. I was so looking forward to it." he pouted. "We have all day honey. We can do what ever you want. But right now let me make you breakfast." Danny kissed her one last time and rolled off of her letting her up. Jessica walked over to her closet slipping a black lace slip over her head. As she walked into the bedroom Danny was still in the bed stretched out in the sheets. He is so sexy. I cant believe it. She let a smile cross her lips at the thought of him. "Are you coming down stairs?" she motioned to the door. "Yeah, I'm coming." Danny steeped out of the bed pulling on his boxers. He followed Jessica down the stairs and into the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" She asked opening the fridge. Danny looked at her inspecting her body. She looked up to him "Danny? I meant food." he laughed and walked around the counter to her "I don't know. What ever you want baby doll." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "What about bacon and eggs?" "Mmm...That sounds perfect." He nuzzled into her neck kissing her again. She slipped from his grip and went to the fridge reaching for the carton of eggs. She pulled out a pan and started the stove. Danny sat at the counter watching her. "Oh Jess, i was going to tell you. I brought in your phone from the truck last night." He picked up he phone sliding it in his hands. "Oh ya?" She replied involved in her cooking. "Ya it was going crazy! You had like twenty something messages from Sarah, a few missed calls, and some reminders." Jessica turned to look at him puzzled. She took the phone from Danny's hands unlocking the screen. "Holy shit!" she gasped looking at all the notifications on her screen. "What? What is it?" Danny asked shocked. "Nothing it just must have been everybody call Jessica day or something." she laughed tossing the phone back to the counter top. She walked back to the stove turning off the burner and placing the eggs onto a plate. Wiping out the pan she placed the bacon into it. She stood watching the oil pop in the pan. Danny walked around the counter watching her concentrate. When she heard his soft footsteps behind her she began to shift her wait between her feet causing her hips to rise and fall. Danny walked up behind her holding her hips tight to him. She leaned her head back onto his shoulder "Mmmm" she hummed under his grasp. He slid his hands to her stomach interlacing his fingers so she couldn't escape him. Jessica placed the bacon on a separate plate and slid it down the counter. "You hungry yet?" She whispered into Danny's ear. "Mmhm" he turned her in his arms and carried her over to the counter setting her down on it. Jessica opened her legs to give him a place to stand. He steeped in between her thighs holding onto her waist. She picked up a piece of bacon holding it out to him.

* * *

When they had finished eating they decided to go sit on the deck. Sliding off the counter Jessica grabbed her phone and Danny's hand leading him outside. They sat on the large wooden swing overlooking the yard. Jessica curled up next to Danny. "I don't wanna go to work tomorrow." Jessica protested. "Me either baby, but at least we will be together most of the day." he ran his hand down her back and resting is cheek on her head. "That's true, but we wont be able to do anything. I mean you can't hold me or kiss me." She sat up looking at him concerned. "I know. We will figure it out it will only be one day thou. I mean its going to be hell to be so close to you and not be able to kiss you, but i will just have to restrain." he smiled over to her playing with her hair. "And after all it will make when i do get to touch you that much sweeter." Jessica laughed at his reassurance. She leaned over to kiss him and just before their lips touched her phone began to ring. "Just ignore it baby." "I cant its probably Sarah. Shes probably wondering why i haven't been answering her." She pulled away looking at her phone her heart sunk seeing the name popping off the screen. Damn it its Sam. Could he call at a worse time. I don't think i can handle talking to him today. "Shit! I have to answer this." she steeped off the bench and walked into the house answering her phone. Danny could hear her talking in the other room. " Hello?......Yeah.....No I don't think so.....That was your desertion not mine......You knew how i felt and you still did as you pleased.....No i already discussed this with you....That's not my choice to make.....No I'm...I'm alone.....I'm sure you do....No its just not a good time...alright...good bey." She hung up the phone wiping the tears from her cheeks and walked back out to Danny. "Who was that?" Danny asked as she sat back down next to him. "Huh?... oh Nobody important." she curled up next to him again. Danny picked up her chin looking into her eyes. "Jessica i want you to listen to me. Are you listening?" She nodded looking into his warm brown eyes. "Jessica ..... I love you, and nothing or no one will ever change that. Do you understand? I would never leave you, and I would never hurt you. No matter what ever happens or has ever happened I don't care. You are the one I want. You are the only one I care about. Do you understand me?" Jessica felt her tears start to fall again. "I love you too Danny." She tried to speak threw her tears. Danny pulled her into a deep kiss their toughs swirling together. He pulled her tighter to him and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he picked her up and carried her up the stairs to the bedroom.

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