Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Danny can you come here for a second?" Jessica called from the front door. Danny was still upstairs gathering their bags to leave. He bounced down the stairs to her carrying her makeup bag in his hand.

"What is it babe?"

Jessica started to laugh. "Oh honey. Have you taken up wearing makeup now?" She asked as Danny looked at her in confutation. He looked down at the large black bag in his hand and started to laugh.

"Oh I guess I forgot I had it in my hand." He walked closer to her wrapping his hand around her waist. "What do you have in this thing anyway? It feels like im packing around a sack full of bricks."

"Well I have to look pretty for my man." Jessica laughed leaning up to kiss him. She stood on her tippy toes and placed her hands on his collar bone for support.

"Babydoll you don't need all this crap to be beautiful to me. I love you no matter what."

"Aww that's sweet honey. Im still wearing makeup thou." She laughed.

"What did you need baby?" Danny asked letting her go. Jessica looked up at him with a cute little pouty face, her hands behind her back, and started to sway. "Well... I kinda... just maybe cant get the truck to start."

Danny started to laugh. "Well lets see.... did you push the clutch all the way to the floor?"

Jessica looked at him a look of frustration on her face. "Damn it! I forgot the god damn clutch! Shit I am so stupid!" She covered her face with her hands. Danny couldn't control his laughter he could barley speak. "No your not honey... its ok everybody forgets you want me to come help you?" He asked trying not to laugh to hard at her little mistake.

"Yes please but I don't want you to do it for me. I can do it I just want you to come with me."

"Ok honey. What ever you want." He sat her makeup bag down on the side table and kissed her cheek. Taking his hand Jessica lead him out to the big black dodge parked in front of the house. They jogged down the stairs and Danny opened the drivers door for Jessica helping her into the lifted truck. She sat in the soft leather seat her hands firmly on the stirring wheel. Looking around the cab she went threw her usual check list in her mind.It wasn't that she didn't know how to drive a stick shift she just wanted Danny to help her. She knew very well she had to use the clutch to start the truck she just loved seeing the look on Danny's face when he helped her do something. Danny stood beside her door leaning on the window.

"Is it in first?" He asked.


"Ok, now put your right foot on the brake, and push the clutch all the way to the floor with your left foot. Then turn the key."

"Ok honey." Jessica did as Danny instructed, and the truck shook as it roared to life. A smile spread across Jessica's face as she looked over to Danny.

"Ok, baby now just put it in neutral and you can let go of the clutch." Danny instructed as he smiled from ear to ear at her. She pulled the shifter, wiggling it form side to side, and let out the clutch.

"Are you gonna be ok, or do you want me to come with you?" Danny asked as Jessica placed her hands on her lap.

"No honey ill be just fine im only going to the store." She laughed.

"Ok call me if you need me. Do you have your phone?" Jessica picked up her phone off the seat and shook it back and forth at him. "Ok Good, kiss me." He pursed his lips and tapped his index finger to them. Jessica smiled and leaned her head out the window to him tilting it to one side. She placed one soft kiss after another on his lips. Pulling away from him she smiled.

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