chapter nine

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The next night Jessica lay in her bed thinking of Danny. She rolled over on her satin sheets plugging her phone into the charger and placing it on the bed side table. She sat staring at the selling. A whole week with out Danny was going to be torture for her. Much the lesser she had no idea what his plans where for their little get away and it drove her crazy. Her phone pinged startling her out of her deep thought picking up the cold silver phone she smiled at the name popping off the screen. She unlocked the screen opening the text.

"I miss you."

She read the message over a few more times feeling her stomach flutter. Her fingers danced on the screen as she replied.

"I miss you too."

She sat the phone down on her lap running her finger along her bottom lip as she laughed a few minuets passed an her phone began to ring. She picked it up and cooed over the speaker.


"I didn't think you would still be up."

"Danny its only nine o clock." Jessica tossed her hair running her hand along her collar bone.

Danny laughed on the other end. "How was your day baby doll?"

"It would have been better with you here."

"I know babe I'm sorry I had to leave you."

"Don't say that Danny." She bit her lip and folded her legs up to her chest.

"Say what doll?" He asked confused.

"Don't say you're leaving me."

Danny let out a long breath "Oh Jess that's not what I meant. You know I would never leave you baby doll. You mean everything to me Jess....Hey..?" He waited for her to reply.

"Hmm."She hummed

"I love you."

Her face light up at his reply. "I love you too honey. Hey Danny? Could you tell me where we are going?"

Danny laughed not replying to her question.


"What babe?"

"When are you coming home?"

"I'm hoping to be home no later then Thursday night. We will leave Friday morning." Danny replied tying to give her enough information to satisfy her. Yet not enough to give anything away. "Jess...Would you do me a favor?"

Jessica giggled imagining what he was about to ask of her. "Of coarse anything for you honey." she cooed

"Where are you?"

She laughed again biting her bottom lip " I'm in bed."

"Good, get up." Danny commanded

Jessica's eyes flashed in surprise. "W-what?"

"Get up and walk down the hall." Danny's voice suddenly got very deep as he directed her down the hall to the spare bedroom. She walked down the long dimly lit hallway. Sliding her hand along the cold wall to stabilize her. In a way she was nervous at what she would find but at the same time she trusted Danny completely. When she reached the door she placer her hands on the frame tracing the etching with her finger tips.

" the door and walk over to the bed." Danny directed trying to contain his amusement.

She pushed the large dark wooden door into the pail room one of the bed side lamps had been left on illuminating the dark wood of the table and the large bed frame. Jessica shuffled cross the hardwood floor when she reached the large bed draped in soft satin sheets a large box fell to her view. The box was wrapped neatly in white lace paper with a big black bow tucked delicately on top. S small pale white card lay tucked in the bow. She pulled the card from the box opening it carefully to read the beautiful loopy handwriting on the inside

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