chapter twelve

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Jessica sat in the big black dodge her legs crossed over the seat the wind grazing threw her blonde hair. she smiled as she watched Danny letting her toes dance over his leg.

"What are you doing Jess?" Danny glanced over to her from the road a small smile crossing his lips.

She laughed letting her head fall out the open window. "Just watching you."

"Why?... I don't know why you wont let me just turn on the air conditioner. It works just fine I promise."

"I believe you, but I like the fresh air. Its not very often that I get to just let my hair down, and float." her hands fell behind her head. The wind pushing them in all directions.

"come here." Danny opened his arm to her taking her hand. She crawled across the seat to him kneeling next to him. He wrapped his arm around her back rubbing it with his fingertips. Scooting closer to him she leaned in kissing him softly. Danny parted her lips with his tongue tasting her sweetness as he pushed the kiss deeper.

"Mmm Jess. I cant... I'm driving baby." Danny laughed pulling away from her. She turned pulling her feet out from under her and sat with her back to him resting her head on his shoulder. She took a deep breath letting it out slowly.



"Can i tell you something?" her lip quivered at the thought of telling him what she was about to say.

"Anything baby doll. You know you can always talk to me. About anything." Danny played with her hair. Trying to comfort her as much as he could.

"Danny... I ... I love you." Jessica bit her lip awaiting his response.

"Oh Jessie. I love you too!" Danny pulled her in closer to him kissing her forehead over and over again. Jessica let her body relax at his reassurance. She let out a breath realizing she had not been breathing. Danny rocked her in his arms lulling her to sleep as he sung along with the radio.

"Shhh... My little baby doll...Shhh."

She felt her eyes getting heavier as she relaxed drifting into a trance like slumber.

* * *

"Jessie... Jess ...come one baby wake up. Don't you wanna see your surprise?" Jessica stirred from her sleeping state as Danny shook her softly. Her eyes tightened as they adjusted to the harsh light flowing threw the windshield.

"Come on baby." Danny placed his arms under her carrying her out of the truck and up the dirt path to a gorgeous cabin with a large front porch and picture windows. As he walked threw the door Danny sat her down on the wooden floor. Jessica walked farther into the house running her hand along the beautifully crafted wooden banister. her eyes tracing every detail of the rooms. Danny leaned up against the door frame to the living room watching Jessica dance around the large room taking in all its beauty. The large picture window over looking the lake with purple mountains tracing its edges. The big stone fire place. The leather sectionals and end tables dressed with gorgeous crystal lamps. Her fingertips danced over the cold surface of the grand piano tucked nicely into the corner.

"How do you like it baby doll?" Danny's voice echoed threw the large room.

"Like it? I love it Danny." Jessica jumped into his arms kissing him letting their tongues dance back and forth. Danny placed her lightly back to the floor leading her to the picture window and wrapping his arms around her waist. She began to sway letting her head fall back resting on his shoulder.

'Do you really like it? I wanted to bring you someplace you could relax without any distractions."

Jessica turned around to face him."Honey I love it. Its so quaint. so cozy.Just you and me with no one to impress and nothing to hide. I thought my cabin was nice but this? This is like a palace. our palace."

Danny laughed spinning her around and around until they where both to dizzy to stand. They fell down onto the big surprisingly fluffy sofa. they spent the rest of the evening watching the sun set behind the mountains and cuddling up in front of the fire.

* * *

Jessica jerked awake the moon showing threw the window onto her face. She sat up trying not to wake Danny who slept peacefully beneath her. she stood tiptoeing to the big leather chair across from him. Sitting in the chair she tucked her knees up into her chest watching Danny's chest rise and fall as he slept. something was making her uneasy very uneasy. almost like she was nauseous. She just sat in the darkness the only light was the moon tracing the room with its blue light. the events of the morning playing over in her head. being with Danny made her so happy and yet so unhappy at the same time she half expected him to be angry at her for what she had said, that she loved him, yet something deep inside of her reminded her that Danny was different. Danny was, at least as much as she had seen, was not like Sam. However in the beginning Sam was sweet and loving too. something just wouldn't let her put herself out to him, let the wall down. To be honest she was afraid. Afraid to be hurt again, and if falling for Danny meant going threw the pain she still felt from Sam she would never be able to handle it. especially not with him. he made her heart melt and her stomach swim. he made her feel safe. Except for the times he scared her out of her mind that he would snap for some reason. she was absolutely terrified that she would say or do something that would set him off and he would lay her out just as Sam had done so many times before. Sure she had become very inapt to covering up the bruises but that didn't make it any easier to pretend everything was okay. She couldn't leave because she wanted so badly to stay to be happy with him. Yet that was so hard to do with Sam constantly calling her, leaving her messages, and who knows what else. He made her so uneasy the way he had ended their conversation a few days earlier "We will see about that one baby." It made her sick to think of what he could mean. She knew Sam inside and out how unpredictable he could be. How determined he was, and the fact that he was so determined to get her back. weather she wanted him or not. It just made her wonder what would happen if Sam ever found out about her and Danny. He would be absolutely livid, and he would be just crazy enough to do something about it. That beyond all things scared her out of her mind. The thought of loosing Danny. She could handle becoming the doormat again the personal punching bag, but loosing him now would kill her.

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