Chapter Forty-Three

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The water crashed around her, her lungs burning as they filled with oxygen. She could see spots of light light only its and pieces of her surroundings viable. She could feel herself falling almost in slow motion. Water was crashing against her as she fought her way to the surface. The smell of salt water filling her nose. How did she get here? The sky above her was over cast only a few rays of light peeking threw the dull clouds. She felt warm but small goose bumps pricked her skin. The tide pulling harder at her feet dragging her down until all she could see was the murky darkness of the airless prison surrounding her.

"We're losing her."

Kicking hard she fought her way for the smallest brake in the surface. Suddenly she was pulled from the waves, a hand like ice on her side. Regardless of her freedom of the black water she fought against it.

"Shes breathing, give her some space. We don't want her to panic, it will trow her back into cardiac arrest."

Doctors crowded around Jessica's bed in a frenzy. They had pulled the breathing tube from her airway and taken her off of every machine that wasn't necessary. This was their last attempt to force her to breath no her own, so far it was working, but she was slipping fast. Jessica gasped a few times trowing her fragile body sideways on the bed. One of the doctors shouted instructions to hold her down as she began to shake. A few of the nurses stepped to her side holding her body to the bed, her back arched as she gasped again. Pushing the heals of her hands into the bed she fought the restraint, she tried to open her eyes a few times but to no avail. In her mind she was screaming for Danny but no sound came from her lips. A faint beeping sound echoed the room catching the doctors attention, it grew faster and faster ringing louder as it went. Jessica's body began to jerk and the monitor held a solid ringing tone. One of the nurses turned to the wall grabbing an oxygen mask and quickly held it to Jessica's face wile another pushed on her chest with the heals of his hands. When he let go her chest started to rise and fall again the monitor returning to its normal rhythm. Jessica gasped, coughing, her body relaxed into the bed and she passed out everything going black.

Danny had ran into the hospital just as Jessica was thrown into a panic. Seeing her in a fit with monitors going ballistic turned his blood to ice. He attempted to push his way through the door to her only to be pushed back in his place. He could hear her gasping and fighting under the seemingly harsh treatment. Not knowing exactly what was happening he immediately took up his defensive post over her. Nurses and orderlies began to flock to him as he fought to get into her. When he receiving the call from George earlier that day he hadn't even waited to hear why she needed him. He simply responded with 'Tell her im coming.' and hung up with out another word. He was clueless as to what her situation was and assumed the worst.
"What are you doing to her? Leave her alone damn it! Stop it you're hurting her!" he yelled as two orderlies grabbed him and forced him against the wall. Jessica's room was becoming quite the distraction to the rest of the hospital bringing more attention to it then wished. The staff had apparent switched since his last visit, no one knew who he was, and that only caused more problems.

"Sr. I need you to calm down. Tell me your name and we can get this all sorted out." the nurse form the desk asked trying to keep Danny as calm as possible.

"Let go of me god damn it, I have to see Jessica. She needs me." Danny yelled pushing at his arms that where now pinned to the wall at either side of his body.

"Sr. I cant let you in there without propped identification. What is your name?"

"I don't give a shit about your procedures, that is my girlfriend in there, the mother of my child. She needs me and you are only causing her more pain so let me go."

The nurse looked over to the two men holding Danny to the wall. "I see, well I can not and will not let you in that room. She needs to stay calm and you are not helping the situation. We have our best staff on her case as we speak and there is no need for you to panic. I can understand your concern for her but without identification and an okay from my doctors. If you would like to tell me your name and take a seat quietly I will do my very best to get you in to see her as soon as possible. Until then you will have to wait out here."

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