chapter four

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"What do you want for breakfast?" Danny asked as they drove deeper into town. "Hmmmm....I don't know. What ever you want." Jessica shrugged and put her wait onto her hands on the seat. "What about French toast?" He asked looking over at her. "That sounds grate." She looked up to meet his gaze. Jessica loves French toast it is her absolute favorite. She picked up her hand from the seat and sat it on Dannys. He gripped the steering wheel tight in his other hand clearing his thought. "Are you okay?" She asked concerned. "Ya IM fine babe." He laughed and squeezed her thigh. They pulled into the parking lot and Danny found a parking spot for the big black truck. "Hold on." Danny jumped out of the truck and ran around it to Jessica's side. He opened the door "My lady." she slid over to meet him and he wrapped his hands around her waist. picking her up and pulling her out of the truck. He sat her back down on the ground not letting go of her. Jessica let her hands rest on his chest. She let out a short breath and couldn't help but smile. He is so sweet. I don't think I can do this. Just be friends. Danny looked into her hazel eyes loosing himself in her beauty. "Danny?" "What....? Ya? What is it?" He fell from her trance as she spoke to him. "I don't think they will serve us in the parking lot." She laughed leaning into him. He couldn't help but laugh at her sarcasm. God, she is so adorable. I can't stand it. I want her so much. "Right, well I guess we should go in then?" Jessica nodded in response sliding her hands off his chest. Danny released his grip on her and closed the door. As Jessica started across the parking lot Danny held back a few steps watching her sway as she walked. She glanced over her shoulder to him flashing a small smile "you coming?" She joked. "Yes ma'am!" Danny jogged up to her wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her tight into him. They walked Into the restaurant Jessica picked a table and Danny pulled out her chair. "Well what looks good to you doll?" Danny picked up his menu looking over it to her. I love the way he talks to me. Always using little pet names it drives me crazy. "I don't know what looks good to you?" She put her menu down and folded her hands on the table. I was thinking whipped cream and you. God I want her. "How about raspberrie French toast with over easy eggs and bacon?" "mmm that sounds good." She raised her eyebrow at him and shifted in her seat. Danny laughed giving their order to the waitress. "...and I'll have a black coffee." He finished. handing the menus to the lady and looked to Jessica. "Did I get it babe?" She giggled at him and crossed her legs under the table. Danny slid closer to her placing his knee between her caves. Jessica took a short breath she could feel her insides turn at his touch. She let her head fall to the side still looking to Danny for reassurance. The waitress came back to the table with their food. sitting it in front of them. Both where drawn from their daydreams at the sudden noise and clutter. "Looks good." Danny picked up his fork and started to cut his food into small bites. Jessica watched him in thought. She looked down to her own plate dragging her slender finger through the raspberries and whipped cream. Danny looked up to her as she placed her finger into her mouth. Slowly sucking the reminder from under her manicured nail. He jumped slightly shifting in his chair at what she had just done to him. "You okay?" She asked raising her eyebrow. He cleared his thought "Y-yeah. IM good." They ate in silence for a wile letting the tension die down. "Hey Jess?" Danny looked across the table to her. "Yeah Danny?" "Could I ask you something?" "Of course. Anything." She leaned forward trying to guess what he was thinking. "You remember the other day when we where on set and I called you sugar?" "yes?" Her smile faded and her stomach tied in a knot. "Well after I said that you got really.distant like you where upset. Did I do something wrong? You have never acted like that around me." He placed his hand on hers looking deeply Into her eyes awaiting a response. Jessica turned her head to the side hiding the tears streaming down her cheeks. She wiped her cheek with her thumb and sat her hand on the table hitting her plate sending it across the table shattering the water pitcher in her lap. She jumped from the cold water on her lap. "oh my God IM soo sorry!!! I didn't mean to." Danny sprung up from the table "Jess its okay. Its okay we will get it cleaned up." She turned to look at the mess she had made on the floor. As she did Danny noticed her arm covered with blood that was now running down her pants and onto the floor. "oh my God Jessica look at your arm!" He ran to her side inspecting the injure. The glass pitcher had lacerated her arm in several places leaving her vain exposed. "Danny IM sorry." She started to cry harder seeing her blood run down Dannys hand. "Shit, babe we have to get this fixed." He reached over the table grabbing a napkin and tying it tightly around her wrist. "ouch! Danny that hurts." Jessica cried as he pulled it tight. Danny put his arm around her waist and the other under her knees carrying her out the door to the truck. "Danny...." Jessica voice trailed as she tried to hold couchesness. "Don't go to sleep. Okay? Stay awake." He sat her in the truck and ran to the other side jumping in and starting the engine. He drove as fast as he could dodging threw traffic. "Jess? Can you hear me?" "Hmmm." She hummed in response. He looked over to her. Her head leaning to one side on the seat. "Damn it Jessica answer me!" "Danny ....don't yell me...." She tried to pull her strength to sit up but couldn't catch herself. "IM sorry honey I just need you to stay awake for me okay? Talk to me." she looked over to him her makeup running from crying. "IM .....just so.....tired..." "I know you are but I need you. I need you to stay with me okay honey? .....Run lines with me!" "I can't.... I don't....remember...." She drifted letting herself fall in the seat. "Remember what?" He waited for her to answer but she said nothing. "God damn it Jessica answer me! Now!" he started to panic as they rushed threw traffic. "What... Did...I say...about yelling?" "IM sorry. You just scared me." He reached his hand across the cab to her. "Danny.... I wanna...go home." She started to cry again her tears burning her hot cheeks. "I know baby we are almost there just hold on."

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