Chapter Thirty- Three

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Jessica put her bags in the car and called the dogs. They where resistant to come, wile at the ranch they where free to run and play all they wanted they stayed outside with the other dogs and loved every second of it.

"Jack, Pine!...Come on boys lets go home." She called from the door of the car. George stood in the doorway and watched her.

"Jessie do you really think you need to leave now?" He asked.

Jessica looked over the car at him a tear in her eye. "I planed to go home and that's what im going to do... He changes nothing." The dogs jumped at her feet and she opened the back seat for them. Sitting in the car she waved to George and pulled out of the drive way wiping her tears as she went. The long drive home was hell she cried most of it. Trying not to think about much of anything she just stared. She started to feel sick again and she tried to push it off. She hadn't eaten since the party which was two days ago and even then she hadn't eaten much. All at once she felt her stomach tie in a knot and she had to pull over. She stepped out of the car holding her hand over her mouth and the other on her stomach. Even throwing up hurt she had nothing left in her stomach to throw up yet her body wouldn't let her stop. When she finally felt stable for a moment she wiped her mouth and walked back to the car. Sitting absolutely still she tried to just breath and not think about it. She started to drive again this time there where no tears it was like she was in a trace. By the time she got into New Orleans she had stopped at least six times to throw up. Her whole body ached and she couldn't take it any more. All she wanted to do was lay in her bed and fall asleep. Pulling up her driveway she felt weird she couldn't put her finger on it but something was different. She didn't really care she didn't feel good and she wanted to sleep, that's it nothing more nothing less, just sleep. She let the dogs out and headed for the door leaving her bags in the car. Unlocking the front door she walked in and went strait up the stairs still in a state of trace. She opened the door to her bedroom to an empty bed and she started to cry. That's what's different... him... he's gone. She flopped down on the bed laying just where Danny was laying only a few hours before. She could still smell his colon on the sheets and pillows. She cried harder feeling her stomach turn and ach she cruelled up into a tight ball on the bed holding the pillow tight to her body. She couldn't hold it in anymore she was going to be sick. Jumping up from the bed she ran to the bathroom. When she was finished she laid back in the bed and curled into a ball once again reliving some of the tension in her body. After a wile she finally drifted off to sleep.


She awoke to the phone ringing downstairs. She rolled out of bed feeling her body tighten once again. Walking downstairs she picked up her phone just as it stopped ringing. "Shit." she muttered. She looked threw the notifications seeing she had ten missed calls from Ryan and Fifteen from Sarah, a few text messages and calendar update. She decide to call Ryan first, pushing the redial option she waited patently for him to answer.

"Hey Jessie, Hows the vacation." Ryan asked chipper as usual.

"Just grate Ryan. Thanks for asking." Jessica lied she was never one to air her laundry or let others see her hurting.

"That's grate honey, did Danny tell you about the schedule for tomorrow?"

Jessica panicked. "Uhh.. no he didn't. Did he tell you he was going to?"

"Well no I just assumed he would bring it up to you. He asked me to call you and talk to you about it. He was acting very strange about it, but anyways we start shooting tomorrow you start off the week and hold out till the end of the week. Danny asked me to shoot your stuff first and he will fill in when you can't."

"When... When did you talk to him?" Her voice stammered and she found it hard to speak.

"Yesterday I think... Wasn't he with you?" Ryan started to become concerned.

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