Dead Sal x Suicidal Reader- memories and death (1/2)

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I woke up and looked at the stars. Sal had been gone for a while now. After the incidents in the apartments I moved across the country. Ashley looked after Todd and Sal. Well what's left of him. My mind ran through all the thoughts of the gang and the memories of mine and Sals relationship. I stared at the moon and took a sip of my wine. I looked at the ground below me. Larry still hasn't been found its like he never existed. I wiped the tears away as my heart pounded. Sal and I were unstoppable. Always around each other and always fighting the bad guys. I miss him more than anything. Standing there with the judge staring at me while I was defending him was all for nothing. Thanks to Ashley we lost the case and now she has him with her. Bitch. My feet dangled at the edge of the Addisons apartments. I come here when my feelings are low. When I want to remember the good times. I came back a week ago just to see how the building is doing and to catch up with Ashley but I dont think that's going to happen. I might end it all tonight. Pushing my glass of wine of the building I watched as it shattered on the floor, left over wine in the glass splattered everywhere. I gazed at the stars and thought about Larry and how much he has done for me. He was a rock, a gentle giant compared to my height. He was the best friend anyone could have and how much I miss him and his stupid jokes. I wiped a tear away knowing that the tears couldn't do anything, not now. No one could help me as no one understood how I felt or what happened in the past. I swung my legs just hoping that the wind would push me instead but to my luck nothing happened it just made my hair a mess and my eyes water. I watched as a few cars drove passed until a familiar bike came in view. I rolled my eyes half drunk from the bottles lying around me.

"Hey." I heard Ashley call to me. "Y/N."

I waved but didn't move afraid if I stood up that would be the end. I couldn't do that in front of Ashley especially after all she had done for me.

"I'm coming up." She yelled.

I sat waiting for Ashley to sit beside me. When she finally arrived I was leaning on my arm swaying.

"Too much to drink again?" She asked, letting off a dry laugh.

"Yeah you could say that but then again I could go for another ten." I spoke, words slurring.

"Lets get you down, I don't want you to fall." She offered me her hand but I just slapped it away.

Ashley looked at my face and into my eyes. Her eyes drooped when she noticed my intentions. She shook her head and grabbed my arm.

"You've been thinking again haven't you?" She stared at my face.

I let out a small sigh and nodded. She knew, she always does.

"I'm afraid I will have to stop you. You are the only one left that understands fully. That remembers everything." She spoke to my soul.

"Yeah and that's the problem, I wish I didn't remember. I wish I couldn't remember. I wish I never witnessed anything." I choked on my tears that were now free falling.

Ashley wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her and puked behind her. Maybe I did have a bit too much to drink. I took in her scent and smiled brightly. If anyone walked passed you would think we were crazy. I mean with everything that has gone on we are crazy. Ashley managed to get both me and her down the ladder to earths ground. She held my hand tightly. We both walked to the end of the road.

"I would offer to take you home but whenever you come back you stay out in the streets, tonight is not the best night to do that so you are coming home with me." She calmly spoke, helping me on the back of her bike.

I didn't even refuse, I wasn't in my mind properly. I didn't know what was going on. Ashely drove us to hers and got off the bike helping me out. On the way back she said Sal hadn't be talking to her at all since a few nights ago. Maybe he lost connection? Maybe he was called somewhere else? We wondered into the kitchen as Ashley made some food. When Ashley passed the plate Sals voice came out of her glowing blue arm.

"Ash, Can you hear me?" He yelled.

"Yeah we can. Whats up? Where have you been?" She replied.

"We? And I've been trying to find Larry." He spoke.

"Oh Y/N is here and have you made any progress?" She asked.

It was silent. Hearing Sals voice again froze me. I couldn't move, speak or do anything. My mind went blank. Suddenly Sal spoke again.

"WTF When did Y/N come back?" He asked.

"A few days ago I think. I'm not sure." She replied leaving the last hour out of the conversation.

It went silent again. Ashley apologised and left the room talking to Sal. Tears brimmed my eyes and the memories came flooding back in. The laughs and jokes could be heard in my head. My brain couldn't take it anymore and I picked up the knife on the counter. It was a steak knife, I could finally end it all. The pain, memories, happiness, hurt and death. I could finally be free. But before I could do anything Ashely walked back into the room. I must of looked like a mess because Ashley took the knife out of my hand.

"Sal that was uncalled for. I've told you to stop doing that." Ashley yelled.

"She was going to hurt herself if I hadn't stepped in." He snapped.

They kept bickering and my mind couldn't keep up. It felt like he was still here.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP!" I yelled, covering my ears and rocking in the chair.

The bickering dialled down and Ashley had wrapped her arms around me.

"Im so sorry Y/N. Are you okay?" She spoke.

I didn't answer I felt my head pound and the world spin. Maybe the alcohol is getting to me. Maybe im going crazy. Ashley panicked and picked me up taking me into a spare room.

"Go to sleep and tomorrow we will sort it out." She smiled and left the room.

But what she didn't know is that tomorrow will never come for me as I slowly started bleeding out from the knife wound in my stomach thanks to the hidden knife in my pocket.

Hey guys sorry its been so long, I have had a hard time for a while and a baby to look after. I am back to writing and have a few drafts that need to be checked through. My writing has changed a lot so please beware in the next one shots. Any ideas just comment down and I will happily give it ago. Thank you for all the reads and support I am so thankful. Ill be back soon.

Tracy x

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