(Request) Terrance X Reader- Confession

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Requested by @Fandoms_freak1 thank you for requesting 

Info- AU where Terrance is normal and nice. 25yrs Addison and so is reader.


I walked through the apartments leaving floor four and making my way to the ground floor. I saw Terrances door. Knocking twice he opened his letter box and noticed me. 

"Hi Y/N what are you doing wondering around this late?" He asked. 

Taking a quick glance at my watch I notice its 11 at night. 

"Oh I didn't realise the time." I giggled, softly. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you."

"Not at all. Actually because its late would you like to come in for a chat?" He asked, shuffling on the other side. 

No one is allowed in his apartment due to his past of his family. 

"Oh sure, I would love to." I smiled. 

Terrance unlocked his door and opened it up. A small whiff of brownies floated through the room. I stepped inside as Terrance shut the door as I made my way into the living room. Sitting on the sofa Terrance sat beside me and sighed softly. 

"Long day?" I asked, knowing most of the adults have be coming here for their tea. 

"Yeah I guess you could say that." He blushed slightly. 

Looking at Terrance he had the most dark brown hair you had ever seen, well Larry doesn't count. Also the most dark brown eyes that were very captivating. He shuffled on the sofa and quickly stood up making his way into the kitchen. 

"I've been making brownies if you would like any?" He asked, placing the brownies on the coffee table. 

"Sure." I smiled. 

I picked one up and took a bite. Chocolate oozed into my mouth as the soft brownie got stuck to my teeth. Terrances brownies were the best. 

"Trouble sleeping tonight?" He asked as he brought himself some tea from the kitchen

I nodded as I swallowed the brownie.

"Yeah I have work tomorrow and so much paper work to complete. My mother has also kept pestering me about if I will be finally bringing a man home for the holidays. I don't have the heart to tell her that I am still single." I sighed softly. 

"I understand that." Terrance smiled. "I hope you figure it out."

I smiled and nodded. We sat in silence as Terrances radio played in the background. He doesn't believe in television and electrical devices apart from his small radio. Terrance swayed softy to the music as we started talking. 

"Hey Terrance. You're single right?" I asked.

Terrance blushed as he nodded. I nodded in response I didn't want to make him feel more upset about it. 

"Y/N I have to confess." Terrance suddenly spoke. "I really like you. I...I mean you are super pretty." 

Terrance blushed and turned himself away from me. I blushed a deep shade of red. 

"Well if it makes you feel better I like you too." I mumbled.

Terrance turned to face me and his face was pale. 

"You like me?" Terrance gasped. 

I nodded and blushed. Terrance came close to my face and his lips moulded into mine. His lips moved slowly against mine. His lips taste sweet and soft. We pulled away for air and my face went warm. 

"Call your mother and tell her that you will finally be bringing a man home for the holidays." Terrance laughed, lips colliding into mine once again. 

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