👻 Sal X Ghost reader- Life behind the glass (2/2) 👻

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I want to start by apologising. I have been away last weekend and I hadn't started writing it. This may be the last part to this oneshot. Anyway on with.


Sal could see you. The girl in the mirror, behind glass that is meant to show a reflection.
"Uh hi." You waved, writing on the mirror.
"Hi?." He replied, looking confused.
"How long have you been there?" He asked, moving a little closer.
"No clue." You wrote, scooting back a little not wanting him to see you.
"Wait don't move stay still." Sal shouted, making you jump.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to but I wanted to know your name." He moved forward, placing a hand on the glass.
"I dunno." You spoke, forgetting he couldn't hear you.
"Wait you don't know." He surprised you. Wait he can hear you.
"You can hear me?" You asked, placing your hand on top of his.
"Yeah, it's not very loud the glass is muffling your voice a little. But how close I am stood I can hear you." He explained.
You shook your head, placing a hand on your forehead. What is going on?
"So how'd you get here." He spoke suddenly, taking you out of your trance.
"I have no clue. All I remember is darkness." You mumbled trying to remember.
"So you could be dead?" He bluntly spoke. "O..oh sorry I didn't mean it like that." He stuttered.
"It's okay I could be. Makes sense being in a mirror really." You laughed moving away from the mirror still giggling.
"What's so funny?" Sal asked trying to move closer.
"It's just that I am. I think so anyway. I am in a mirror, I am always cold, I cannot feel my own body. Makes sense really." You giggled which then turned to tears.
Sal try to comfort you by placing his hands on the glass which you returned by placing your hand on his. For some reason you could feel the warmth of sals hand on yours. It felt nice, smooth and a perfect fit. Moving back you gasped a little. Wondering if Sal felt the same.

Sals POV
The warmth of her hand was light, smooth, delicate and a perfect fit. She stumbled back causing me to jolt my hand back to my side.
Did she feel the same?
Thoughts ran through my mind. Who is she? Is she dead? Why do I feel this type of attraction to her?
Suddenly the front door opened.
"Sal you in?" Dad called, making her jump.
"Yeah I'll be out in a sec dad." I yelled, picking up my mask and clipping it on.
"I'll be back tomorrow." I whispered, turning off the light and closing the door.
As I made my way back to my bedroom I grasped my bedroom door and walked in, slamming it shut.
There is a girl in my bathroom mirror. In the mirror! Taking off my mask and taking my glass eye our, I got into bed. I signed. Closing my eyes I drifted off.

Your POV
That was it. The week consisted of Sal coming and going. He is trying to help you get out of the mirror, but it's not working. Nothing is. You want to be free. To be loved, running around, seeing new sights and being with Sal. You had recently figured out you have feelings for the blue haired boy. His smile, laugh, the way he talks, his kindness, everything. You were so caught in a day dream they you didn't even realise Sal had walked in.
"Have you remember anything?" He suddenly asked, making you jump and break the mirror slightly.
"Ah... oh hey Sal. Yeah I have. I've remembered my name. It's Y/N." You giggled.
"Y/N you broke the mirror a little." Sal panicked, tracing his finger slightly against it.
"HEY HEY!! You'll make yourself bleed. Don't touch it." You yelled, trying to move his hand.
He laughed and removed his finger from the crack on the glass.
"Sorry. I was curious." He giggled.
"Hey what will happen if I break the glass?" You asked, trying to find something to break it.
"Whoa whoa! Don't get too ahead of yourself. Maybe you'll disappear, maybe you'll be free." Sal smiled, trying to find something too.
"Hey there's nothing here, being a hammer into the bathroom. My side is exactly like yours so whatever will be in your room will be in mine right?" You thought out loud.
"Sounds good." Sal smiled, disappearing for a second.
Is this the right thing? Am I doing this right?
Sal came back in with a hammer and placed it on the floor. Looking around you saw the same hammer on the floor. Picking it up you smiled.
"Sal if I do disappear I want to say something to you. Thank you so much for everything you have done. Being here talking to me all the time, giving me support and trying to help me find out what has happened. I love you." You giggled, bringing the hammer back to swing when Sal spoke.
"No thank you. You have given me brightness in my life. You have helped me too. I love you too." He finished as you smashed the glass into pieces.
Blackness, nothing. You were falling, falling down a tall building. What building though? Looking up raindrops hit your face, the sky is grey with black clouds. Tears fall down your checks which mix with the raindrops. Looking below you saw people, thousands, millions. Who are they? You felt the wind blow through your hair and the breeze that is freezing your limbs. Suddenly bang. Pain all through your body, your arms, legs, back broken. You then take your last breath. Nothing.

Hey all. Thank you so much for reading this one. Hopefully next one will be better.

Created: 23/07/19

Tracy x

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