👻 Sal X Ghost reader- Life behind the glass (1/2)👻

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This is going to be a long one and maybe more than one part. I have been thinking about this for a while and I will be proud of this turns out the way I want it to. Hopefully you enjoy

Darkness, thats all you could remember. The coldness of the air was still around your fragile body but you could not see anything. The darkness still surrounds you. There was some light but not enough to see your surroundings. You cannot remember what happened, where you are or who you are. All you could see was this light.
Suddenly you heard a door opening and a light flicker on. Looking in front of you, you saw this person with blue pigtails and a mask. Grumbling because you do not know who he is, you just watched. Where are you?
The light turns off and you hear the door close.
This happened about another two hundred times before you couldn't take it anymore, you went to walk forward when you bash your head against something. A barrier?
Rubbing the top of your head you look in front of you to see this world, a bathtub, toilet, bright white door and grey tiles on the floor. Then it hits you. Are you inside a mirror? What are you doing here?
Grabbing your hands together you sniffle and walk away from the mirror back into your original place. What are you doing in a mirror? Are you still alive or dead? Is a dream? Shaking furiously you started to lose  breath you didn't even need to breathe. Looking around you could see you were in the same place as in front of you but it was pitch black, like a darker version of the same room.
You could walk around but you cannot open the door. You are stuck in this world. Suddenly light came back into the room. You heard a door slam shut and you can hear someone wimping. Looking into the mirror you saw the same person stood there. Their mask was not on anymore and you could see the scars on their face which you have now identified as a male. He had a scar going across his nose, scarred lips and a missing eye. You shuddered at the though of how that happened to him. You watched him carefully, watching how he washed his hands, which is below the mirror which explains how you didn't see it before. His cheek was stained with tears that have dried after some time but fresh ones still slipping down. Why is he upset? You wanted to call out, make his pain disappear, but why? You started to get frustrated. It wasn't fair how you are all alone. You started to sniffle at the fact you are confused of what has happened and what's going to happen next. Tears slipped down your face. You couldn't understand anything.
The door opened and this male with the same hair colour as the boy came into view.
"Sal it's coming up to ten you going to bed soon. You do have school in the morning." He spoke, calmly.
"Yeah dad. I'll be in bed soon. Just washing my face." This sal spoke, grabbing his mask he threw on the floor.
Watching the dad leave, Sal turned off the light and closed the door.

The next evening Sal opened the door again. You of course was watching everything.
Sal once again washed his hands. As he got into the shower you looked away. It was rude to invade others privacy. After about ten minutes Sal was dried and changed. You couldn't help it and you hit the mirror, tears still streaming down your face. Sal turned his direction to you. You of course stepped back in shock.
Sal shook his head and turned to close the door when you hit the glass again. Sal once again turned to the mirror.
"Hello is anyone there?" He spoke. Walking to the mirror.
Covering your mouth, you tried not to make a sound.
"Stupid noises." Sal muttered, turning off the light and shutting the door.

This kept happening. Every day you knocked on the mirror. Sal each time tried to talk to you but you couldn't reply. You wanted him to know you were there.
But today you are going to try harder. Sal came into the bathroom at the same time as usual.
"Hello, are you going to tap again?" He asked, you tapping in response.
"Can you talk? Are you a ghost?" He shakily asked, hoping you would answer.
All you could do was tap.
"Okay I know you can tap so. Are you dead? Tap once for yes once for no." He curiously spoke.
You tapped three times.
"Huh? Does that mean you don't know?" You tapped once.
"Oh." Was all he mumbled.
"Are you in the mirror?" You tapped once again.
"Can you get out?" You tapped twice.
You watched as Sal got closer to the mirror trying to look through.
"It must be lonely." He stated, you tapping once.
You walked a little more to the mirror when he backed off. He gasped.
"WHOA I CAN SEE YOU. Who are you?" He yelled a little. Looking straight into your eyes.

Boom that's part one! Yay I'm super proud of this! Next part will be tomorrow. Thank you all for reading. I may come back to write more detail but for now I'm happy enough with it.

Written: 18/07/19
Edited: 19/07/19

Words: 926
Tracy x

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