⇢ Sally X Depressed reader- Light in a dark tunnel ⇠

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Hello, I'm really sorry if this one is shit. I am half asleep and also I had no inspiration for this one since today has been a hard day for me... but anyway here it is!
Also there is a trigger warning, suicide, self harm and self hate.
(e/c) = eye colour
Y/N = your name

You stood there. The wind blowing in your hair, your feet as close to the edge of the cliff as it could be. You are going to jump this time, end all the pain, the sorrow, the guilt.
You recently left all your friends, Larry, Ash,Todd, Maple, Chug and Sal. It was hard but the best thing you could do, the only thing that was right to do. You couldn't keep putting your problems on them, your insecurities. They are the best people in your life but you had to, it was for the best. You couldn't let them keep saving you, helping you but they did, they never gave up.
It was about two fifteen in the morning and your legs felt numb from the cold. You had to jump now, it will finally be over. You can finally let everything end.
You pulled up your sleeve looking at your deep cuts for the last time. You hated yourself, you hated the way you looked, how your hair was always tatty, how long your fingers were, the fat on your stomach, everything! The only thing you are okay with was your eyes, the deep (e/c) eyes.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket but you ignored it, it was probably the group trying to get ahold of your for the seven hundredth time. You definitely was not going to answer you didn't need them anymore and they certainly didn't need you.
You sat down and let your feet sway in the wind over the cliff. This was it, this was the end, the time you have been waiting for.
You closed your eyes feeling the cold breeze flow through you. Smiling you pushed yourself closer to the edge until you could feel yourself fall. You never opened your eyes until something grabbed you. Gasping you opened your eyes and looked up. There he was, the blue pigtailed hair, white broken mask and those eyes you loved so much. You snapped back into reality and noticed you were now sat in a car. Blankets around you and a hot water bottle on your lap. You couldn't remember how long you have been at that cliff but your hold body was numb.
"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING? YOU COULD'VE DIED." Sal screamed at you, clenching your hand a bit too tightly.
You didn't say a word, you couldn't. Tears pricked at your eyes but you refused to let them fall.
"We have all been worried sick! We have been calling you for hours. Why didn't you answer?" Larry spoke this time, you didn't even notice the whole gang was there and Lisa was in the diving seat with a fast asleep Henry in the passenger side.
"I..I dunno." You barley spoke, voice sore from not drinking.
"You scared me half to death watching you fall. I am so glad I caught you in time." Sally face spoke, eye blood shot red, which you knew he had been crying. His glass eye wasn't even in the eye socket which meant he had to take it out from being uncomfortable.
You hung your head low. Your friends loved you enough to save you yet again. Like always. You stared at your hands, feeling disgusted with yourself and what you have done. How could you put the people you loved and love you in this much pain? What were you thinking? Well that was a stupid question really you knew exactly how you are feeling. You just wanted the pain to end. But this isn't right, this isn't the right way.
Sighing you looked up to see everyone looking at you, including Henry, who you guessed woke up from all the noise.
"I'm really sorry." You whispered, playing with the hem of your night shirt. Shuffling in your seat, ash placed her hand on yours.
"We are here for you. If you ever feel like this you tell someone. We can help you!" She smiled sadly, probably feeling guilty she and the rest never saw the signs.
Sal grabbed your hand clutching it like he did when you fell. He hugged you tightly, the rest of the gang joining in. The hug consisted of crying and them repeatedly saying sorry. You smiled a little feeling the love of the group.
"I am really thankful for all of you. I am so sorry." You sobbed, this time tears falling down your cheeks bouncing onto the blanket on your lap.
Lisa drove back to the apartments and told everyone to head home. Sal offered to walk you back to your place, which you tried to refuse but he wouldn't take it. He grabbed your hand and slowly took you back to your home. Opening up the door for you, he let himself in and guided you to your room. He helped you into bed and tucked you in. Sal stood up from the edge of your bed ready to leave when you grabbed his arm.
"Please stay, I don't want to be alone. Not now." You pleaded, yawing a little.
Sal nodded and unclipped his mask placing it on your dresser, placing his hand in his pocket he hunted for his eye and placed it in a glass of water next to the bed, that you didn't know was there and he climbed into the bed. Wrapping his arms around your waist you snuggled up to his chest.
"You know I am really thankful for you today Sal. I didn't expect you to find me. I was hoping that you would've left and forgot about me but I'm glad you didn't. I love you Sal." You mumbled the last part your eyes closing.
"I love you too Y/N." Was all you heard as sleep overcame you.

I really hope you liked this. I'm quite proud of this one. Hope to see you in the next

Written: 17/07/19
Edited: 19/07/19

Words: 1051
Tracy x

Sally face oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें