🔪Murder Sal x reader- Time to die🔪

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Sitting in the apartments sweat pours down your face as Sal is stood in front of you with a bloody knife. Each word that drops off his tongue the blood drips into the floor. Everyone above you is dead now it's just for the last floor and you had to walk in at the wrong time.

"Sal please don't kill me. Pretend I wasn't here that I didn't even walk in." You plead trying to grab for the handle.

"No your now infected too. I have to kill you the cult cannot win!" He yells, stabbing you in the side. You let out a painful scream and collapse onto the floor.

"Please spare me Sal please I promise, i promise I wont tell, I won't do anything." You try to scream but too late, he had already sliced your throat open and you fell to the ground.
Sal screamed and threw the knife into the ground.

"I'm so sorry Y/N I didn't mean for any of this. I hope you understand."

Sorry this is short as fuck I may re-write it.

Tracy x

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