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This is regarding to Personal or non personal requests. 

I want to thank you all for the requests, it has given me a lot of motivation to write but... If you want a request please DM me. I am starting to loose the requests in the comments and I cannot find one that someone has personally requested which has upset me since I was nearly completed with it but Wattpad had that moment a month ago where it deleted all my drafts (Over 15+) so I am trying to re-write them but I cannot find certain comments that had asked for requests. 

And also if you are going to change your account name please message me if you've made a request so I can 1. know who you are and what request you have made and 2. So I can change the name that I put at the top of the one shot and thank you correctly. 


For a request please DM me these following answers: (The ones with * are important and you must answer the question)

Name: (The name of the character that you want it to be written about, if its not personalised ignore this question and it will be just Y/N.) 

*Pronouns: (How they identify, they/them, she/her, he/him ETC)

*LGBTQ+: (If the character is trans, non binary etc)

*Sexuality: (Bisexual, heterosexual, pansexual etc) 

*Age: (Age of what you want the character to be, this will also include the ages of the actual characters of the game unless there is a reason why they are older or younger.)

*Appearance: (What your character wears, likes to wear. Hair colour, eye colour, tall, short. ETC)

*Personality: (If they are nice, mean, sarcastic, happy, sad. ETC)

*Anything else I may need to know: (Any other little details you think I will need to know about the character) 

*Plot: (How you want the story to go, who the character gets with, what scenery you want it based at. This can also be random if you dont have an idea. I can make on up if needs be)

Please just DM me. I cannot keep going into the comments to try and find things. Also beware that once I have completed your request I will be deleting your chat so I know where I am in the requests. YOU CAN ALSO REQUEST MORE THAN ONE BUT PLEASE REQUEST YOUR SECOND ONE AFTER YOUR FIRST ONE HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND IT WILL BE ADDED IN QUEUE. 

Currently I have 4/5 requests to do. Requests will be capped at 10. you can still DM me for requests but please note that it will not be added to queue until the 10 are done. 

I just want to thank you all again for the requests I am so happy with the love of this book. Also it does state this book is on hold and it will be I am just finishing the requests that were requested in 2022. Then I will be back with all the new ones. 

OH AND ONE MORE NOTE!!! If you have messaged me for a request and I haven't replied please be patient I dont check my messages every day but I will get to your message when I can and I will let you know if it will be added to queue or not. I also do message when each request is about to be uploaded so please do not message me every day to know if it will be done or not, otherwise I will have to cancel the request. (Remember these are done for free so I can choose and not choose what ones I do.) 

Thank you all again. I would not be here without you all oh and 43.9K READS which its nuts so thank you sooooooo much. 

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