❤ Sal X Vampire reader- I am going against the law as I love you. ❤️ (1/2)

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You are half vampire and half wolf, its normal in the area you live in as most of the villagers are the same. All blood thirsty animals, or as the internet portrays it but you are not. Everyone around here drinks animal blood as human blood is not really available and not many drink it as it doesn't taste right. A lot of other areas are terrified of your kind and the wolfs. You are the only vampire wolf which is not welcome much. Your father was a wolf and your mother was a vampire, well until they were murdered for going against the law. No vampire or wolf breed, fall in love or meet at any circumstances. Humans are not allowed to be involved in either species romantically and whoever is will be burned and publicly humiliated. Well you are starting Nockfell High in the autumn and that means you will be attending a school full of humans that are aware of the species you are. This is going to be a chance for you to be able to start a new life and not have to worrying about someone lurking around trying to kill you hopefully. You are going to stay with your best friend Larry Johnson and his mum Lisa. They were a bit unsure at the start but Lisa considered you as her daughter so she felt like she had to take you in.

Currently you are in a taxi on your way to the Addison Apartments which is where the Johnsons live. Arriving the building looked tatty and very old it does have a creepy vibe around it. Grabbing your bags from the boot you let out a small sigh, you walk towards the entrance spotting Lisa straight away. Giggling a little you run towards her nearly tripping over your tail. While Lisa hugs you your tails sways back and forth too fast for your own liking and your ears twitch. Looking across you see a male which must be Larry who has long brown hair and wearing a top that says SF. Smiling you wave a little not noticing your fangs started to show.

"Hi I'm Larry. You must be Y/N?" Larry asked, shaking your hand.

"Yeah I am. Nice to meet you finally." You giggled a little, shaking his hand back.

Moving to pick up your bag you saw a boy with blue pigtails and wearing a mask walk out the front door. He waved at you and went towards Larry. You tilted your head in confusion.

"That's Sal." Lisa spoke, grabbing your bags for you. Smiling slightly you waved and walked in with Lisa. The elevator was quiet going down. The doors pinged open and you walked towards the only room in the basement. Lisa unlocked the door and placed your bag by the sofa. The place looked so tidy, comfortable and welcoming.

"I hope you are happy here during your stay. This is your room." Lisa smiled as she opened your door. It was clean and had a blueberry smell emerging from the room. You smiled walking in and sitting on the bed, making sure you didn't squish your tail in the process.

The next few weeks was weird and comfortable but nerve-racking as school starts in three days and according to Larry there's a bully called Travis and he bullies people who are different which is you. Being the species you are is quite scary sometimes as you don't know how your body is going to react to different scenarios such as bullying. There was lots of death but no bullying. Sal also mentioned there are a lot of people who spread rumours around so you need to be careful about what you say and your actions.

Today you, Larry and Sal are hanging around the apartments doing random things such as visiting the neighbours and messing around like normal teenagers. Sal was coming down to meet you and Larry so you can have lunch and then start the adventure. There was a knock at the door and Larry answered, all you heard was muffles and a laugh. Sighing you walked out of your bedroom and made your way to the kitchen. There was two sandwiches and a bag full of animal blood, your food. You thought it was quite embarrassing eating in front of others as it will make them feel sick but Sal and Larry have grown used to it. Picking up your bag you let you fangs grow before you pierced the bag and started eating. Thinking to yourself that a real animal would be better you are still grateful that Lisa would go all the way of getting you a bag. Looking up you noticed Sal staring at you. It wasn't a stare you were familiar with. He was looking at you with sorrow and an emotion you didn't recognise. Feeling a bit insecure you licked your lips and threw away the half blooded bag walking to your room go clean up. Thoughts surrounded your mind. Why was he looking at you like that? Does he hate you? It was all overwhelming. Coming back out of your room you threw on your jacket that was on the back of the sofa, looking at each boy you opened the front door and walked out. Walking into the elevator you could see Sal and Larry running after you getting in before the elevator closes.

"What's wrong with you?" Sal yelled a little, pulling his pigtails.

"I thought we were leaving. I didn't realise you weren't behind me." You lied, smiling.

The doors opened and you walked out onto floor five. The no man floor as Larry explained. Larry walked up to door 502 and tried to open the door, failing miserably. Sal walked to 504 and opened the door, like it nearly flew off it hinges begging us up go in. Rolling your eyes you followed Sal, Larry walking behind you into the room to see nothing, except a man sat on newspapers and a bordered up door.

"you should not of came here, this building, dark things happen." He spoke, scaring Larry shitless. There was a knock on the bathroom door and of course we idiots looked, to of then look back and he was gone, like there was no trace.

"Whoa where did he go?" Larry shuddered, making his way out of the room. Sal and you walking behind like a lost puppy.

Who was that and why did he suddenly disappear. What is going on in this building? You became more curious as the day went on. But something else was bugging you, Sal would not stop staring every time you ate or your tail or ears moved. What was his problem.

Part 1 yass. Thank you so much for all the reads and love I have been receiving. Next part coming soon. Hopefully this one gets a lot of love as I have enjoyed writing it.

Words: 1168

Created: 1/08/19

Tracy x

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