Redemptions: Fox McCloud VS Mario

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From some distant realm, a harsh red light began to shine

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From some distant realm, a harsh red light began to shine. More blinked on around it-- yellows and oranges-- swirling around the central light. They were stars, forming galaxies, forming a great nebula. This was Sector Z, named for the shape of the nebula, a place that even before the end of reality was a cold and lifeless corner of the universe. It was little more than a stellar graveyard for outdated, lost, or broken starships. The lowest of the low would come here to hide, scavenge, or die.

And of all the ships that would be here, in this darkest corner of the universe... it had to be the Great Fox. Once helmed by James McCloud, the incredibly advanced warship idled lifelessly in Sector Z. The engines were dead, the windows were dark, and most of its systems were inoperable. If you could get through the industrial sized magnetic door locks, and make your way through the empty halls most likely filled with the bodies of its former crew, you could potentially make your way to the Command Deck, and there you would maybe find one last system functioning.

A single monitor, blinking and dying, with only four words. Critical Failure. Evacuate Immediately.

It was the surface of this ship-- the atop the Great Fox's exterior-- that was the setting for the third match of Round 2. The Sector Z Nebula illuminated the decrepit warship as the lights appeared to bring the fighters.


Mario knew he'd have to make this quick. This was the last fight of this round, which meant afterwards they'd have plenty of time before the next match. That is, if Mr. Zero didn't show up to speed things along again. But even then, they were needed in the fight against the Halberd, and they'd have enough time for that at least... hopefully.


Fox had thought the same as Mario, but the second he saw the Great Fox beneath his feet... It was the ship his father had commissioned... it was the ship his father had named after him... it was the ship his father had left to him and the Star Fox team... What was it doing here!? How!?


Fox was paralyzed, only one answer fitting the pieces. He had failed... Before the end of the universe, his disappearance had caused them to lose the fight against Andross... This was the state of things before his story ended... this was the result of falling for that trap, and not listening to Falco when he'd had the chance.


The fight hadn't even started yet, and Fox was already on his knees in tears. He'd failed... He'd failed his friends... He'd failed his galaxy... He'd failed his military... He'd failed his father.


Mario raised a hand to Fox, taking a few steps towards him. "'Ey... Fox. You okay?"

Fox stared blankly through his tears, down at his hands pressed against the cold surface of the ship. "I... I concede..." He choked on his words, not even hearing them as he spoke.

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