The Morning Rush

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 Jess POV

"Jess get up now. Don't make me come up there."

I stirred from my sleep groaning. I turned towards my calendar. Great, I'm starting 6th grade I thought to myself. I got out of bed and headed for my bathroom. My dad works as a dentist so we're well off. I twisted the doorknob to find that it was locked but I could hear singing from the other side.

"Ella! Get out of my bathroom and go use your own."

"No" she screamed.

"Why not!" I screamed back.

"Because you broke my Mirror and I need a Mirror!"

With that, I raised my hand in front of the door and squinted my eyes. Using my Telekinesis power, I unlocked the door and stormed in to see Ella covered in a face mask.

"Hey, no powers allowed unless it's an emergency, Jess. You don't see me using mine on you."

Ella then took me by surprise by blowing a whirlwind in my direction causing me to roll down the hallway. She locked the door and carried on singing.

I was so angry with Ella. Older sisters can be such a pain. She maybe starting ninth grade but that doesn't mean she can pick on me. I approached her bathroom and got ready in there. I used her things to get ready. I decided to be mean and dunk Ella's toothbrush down the toilet after using it. She will never know.


I beat Ella to the breakfast table and took the last of the Lucky Charms. "Ella, could you pass me the milk please," I said with a patronizing smile.

"No you freak, you finished the LUCKY CHARMS!"

Mom wasn't looking so I squinted my eyes and commanded the milk to come to me.

"No powers allowed."

"Shut up Demi," I said to my little sister. She was starting Kindergarten today.

"Mom, Jess said shut up to me because I said she shouldn't use her powers," Demi squealed.

Mom strutted in.

"Jess you know you mustn't use your powers. If someone sees you then they will take us away. Do you want that to happen?"

"No Mom," I nodded in anticipation. "But I don't understand we're at home."


"No one can see us!"


"Whatever mom."

"Girl, what did you say?" I got up out my seat and attempted to leave.

"You better sit your black butt down before I ground you. You're lucky your father has gone to work."

"Oh, mom why?" I sat back down and watched Demi giggle.

The doorbell rang. Ella jumped up to answer the door.

"Violet!" They both screamed and hugged each other. "Ella, I missed you. We haven't seen each other in like forever."

"You saw each other yesterday," I said.

"Shut up Jess. Mom, we're going to school now."

"Okay sweetie. Bye Violet."

"Bye Mrs. Best."

"Violet how many times; call me Honey."

I watched as they skipped down the street.

Mom came up to me.

"Shouldn't you be going to school on your first big day?"

"You told me to sit," I snapped.

"What's with the attitude young lady?"

"Nothing mom. I just hate hiding and being secretive. Why can't I be the real me?"

Mom sat down and gave me a hug.

"You are special, very special but there are people out there who want to hurt us. Now off you go to school. I've got to take Demi to Kindergarten."

I walked towards the door, grabbed my bag and smiled. That line always works on her.

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