Can't be

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Helen POV

"Helen are you sure?" Lucius asked.

"I know my own son's shoe and that's his." I broke down in tears. My heart had shattered. Jack-Jack my baby boy was gone.

"Helen let me take you home and then we can find him in the morning."

"Find him. Lucius, we have found him and he's been blown up."

"Mom don't say that,"Violet said.

"Your father isn't even here Violet."

No one knew how I felt right now. I was in agony. I'm not going home. I am staying here with my son.

"Helen Jack-Jack wasn't in there," Honey said.

"How do you know!"

There was a silence. How do they know? I was holding his shoe.

Honey started whispering something in Lucius's ear.

"Lucius take Helen, Violet and Dash in Helen's car and I will take the kids in ours."

"No!" I cried. "I'm not leaving him."

I was not listening to anybody. My kids were distraught. They had just lost their brother.

"We have to go now!" I heard Honey say. I heard a rip and then Bang!

I was knocked in the head and then immediately jolted into darkness.

Violet POV

"Honey!" I said to her as she knocked out my mom. She had turned into a Kangeroo and kicked my mom in the head. My mouth was wide open as Honey transformed back into herself.

"I had to do it Violet. You guys go home. You have school and there's no point looking for Jack-Jack when your mom is in this state."

"What about Jack-Jack?" I asked.

"Lucius and I will carry on looking okay. Jess, Ella and Demi you will sleep round Violet's."

Lucius and Honey carried mom into the car. I got in too and helped buckle her in as Lucius drove us home in mom's car.

"Violet, you don't think Jack-Jack was really in that car do you?" Dash asked me.

"I don't know Dash."

I looked over at mom who was still knocked out. I squeezed her hand and gave her a kiss. Suddenly mom stirred and clasped her bruise.

"Where am I?" she yelled.

"Mom we're going home."

"What no. what about Jack-Jack?"

"Lucius and Honey will find him. You need to rest."

"No Violet, I have to be with him." Mom attempted to open the car door but it was on child lock.

"Lucius open my car now!"

"Helen I can't do that. I'm taking you home there's not long left now."

I tried to calm mom down as we entered our driveway.









We all looked on the driveway and there was Jack-Jack playing with his toy plane on the doorstep of the house.


"Still not eating Mr. Incredible?" SloMo sneered.

Why was he calling me that; I wasn't even in my super suit.

"You know whilst your family are out finding Jack-Jack, we brought him back home and even had a snoop around your house."

"Why are you doing this?" I boomed.

"Not yet Mr. Incredible, all will be revealed soon I promise just eat and stay alive for now."

"They will be looking for me you know?"

"Oh I know. That's why I wrote them a little message."

Helen POV

I didn't let Jack-Jack go from my embrace. Even as I walked through the door he was my number one priority. I thought I had lost him.

"Mom it's a text from dad," Dash stated as he handed me my phone.

I grabbed my phone and read the text.

Helen sweet darling, I got a job working overseas for a month. Please don't worry, it brings in loads of money for us. I love you forever.

Bob xxx

Everything was looking up and Bob had a found a job and he was safe. That was why he wasn't here. I was tempted to tell him about Jack-Jack but then I realised maybe I shouldn't worry him.

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