Check-up Day 2

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Dash POV

"Get up Shorts," Someone had thrown a pillow at my face. I stirred from the bed and saw my other roommates. They were all older than me. I think one of them was called Malcolm.

 "Ow Lucas." Another pillow was thrown but I quickly dodged it. I zoomed around the room taking their clothes so they were in their underwear. I then shoved them out of the cabin and locked the door to get ready whilst people outside laughed at them.

"Dash let us in!" Danny banged on the door.

"Sorry, I'm too short to open the door."


After that early morning fanatic, I made my way to the main hall where we all have breakfast. I looked around to see Carmen eating some cereal, so I decided to join her.

"Hey Carmen," I said whilst munching on a piece of toast.

"Hey Dash, was it you who pranked those boys earlier?"

"Yes it was. Where's Jess? She's normally up early?"

"Oh she's sleeping, I didn't know whether to wake her or not."

Carmen started telling stories about her superhero experiences. I wanted to talk about my dad but he said that I shouldn't trust anyone. I mean the SHNC know who my dad is but he told me not to trust the kids. I was about to finish my breakfast when I saw a hectic Jess run into the hall wheezing.

"Someone switched off my alarm. I was supposed to get up 2 hours ago and now I've missed breakfast."

Jess slouched next to me.

"It's okay, you can have my last piece of toast."

"Really Dash, thank you!" Jess hugged me.

"Dash lets leave Jess to eat, I need to show you this guy who can walk through walls."

I looked for Jess's approval.

"Yes go, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. " she smiled wearily.

I gave her quick hug and Carmen dragged me out the hall.


"Time for the tasks! I am Mr. Gregory Harp, head children safety officer of the SHNC."

"We already know who he is. He introduces himself every year," I whispered to Jess.

"Yes but every year there are new little 8-year-olds," she whispered back.

 "You will each be in grades and will go to your stations," He boomed.

Jess and I walked to our station and Carmen joined.

A woman stood in front of us who we had never seen before. There weren't many 6th graders. It looked like there were about 30 of us.

"First up is Justin Anderson."

A boy walked up to the platform and stood on the cross marked on the floor.

"Power?" the lady snapped.

"I can jump really high," he whimpered.

"Right, demonstrate."

The boy looked around at us all. He composed himself and jumped. He was right about jumping high. We didn't see him land until after 40 seconds.

"Thank you Justin, next please."

She went through each person on the list until it got to Jess.

"Jessica Best please." I squeezed Jess's hand hard in assurance. She stepped onto the platform.

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