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Jess POV

I survived the first day of school and met a nice guy. I turned to Dash who seemed a little distant. "You okay buddy?" I asked him. Dash winced at me and put his head down. He was much quieter than usual.

"Hey isn't Brad amazing? Like his hair is so cool."

Dash still said nothing. We were going to his house to do our first piece of homework together. It's kinda a tradition of ours.

We go down Dash's drive as we arrive at his house and enter the living room.

 "Can you at least smile?" Dash still looked sad.

"For me?" I planted a cheesy smile. He started to break and smiled back. 

"I hate it when you do that," he chuckled. He jumped up and brought two cups of chocolate milk, chips, and yogurt.

"Dash, do you have to use your speed for everything?"


I used my power to move the chips towards me. He folded his arms and said, "Well look who's using their powers now then."

"Don't tell my mom," I joked.

We settled down and started on our homework whilst eating our snacks.

Violet POV

"Mom. I'm home with Ella" I yelled as I got home.

"Mom's not here" Dash yelled back. I followed the noise to find Dash and Jess doing homework. Ella tagged along.

"Oh, it's you" Ella frowned at Jess.

"Hey sis, you're looking as ugly as ever" Jess replied.

"Shut up Jess."

"Dash, where's mom?" I asked.

"Oh, she and dad are out so you have to look after Jack-Jack. Honey is picking him up from Kindergarten."

"Anyway, how was your first day at school Jess?" Ella interrupted.

"It was brilliant, I met this ..."

"Don't care," Ella barked and walked off dragging me along.

"Ella why are you so mean to your sister?"

"Violet, it's called sisterly love, we secretly love each other but don't want to admit it."

We entered my room where I collapsed on my bed. It wasn't long before I jolted up to hear Ella screaming at her phone.

"Violet, we got invited to our first high school party!" I joined in and screamed.

"Whose party?"

"Some Sophomore called Jonny who goes to another school!"

"How did he get your number."

"Who cares, it's a Sophomore called Jonny."

"When is it?"


"Tonight! But I have to babysit Jack-Jack tonight."

Ella stopped dancing.

"Get Dash and Jess to look after Jack-Jack and then we can go to the party and then come back before your mom and dad get back."

I sat in frustration. I didn't know what to do right now.

"Violet we should go. Come on." Ella kept begging. I gave in and agreed to go. "How are we going to convince Jess and Dash to do it?"

"Oh don't worry. I've got a plan."


There was a knock on the door. I rushed to answer it to find Honey with Jack-Jack and Demi.

"Hi Honey, hi Demi, hi Jack-Jack"

"Hi Violet, is Jess doing her homework?"

"Of course."

"Tell your mom that I will call her soon."

"Alright Honey."

I closed the door and guided Jack-Jack inside. "So Jack-Jack how was your first day in kindergarten?" I said as I packed away his things.

"It was good."

I ruffled his hair and made him a snack. Ella joined me in the Kitchen.

"Operation blackmail siblings is a go," Ella hissed. With that, she entered the living room and boomed, "Me and Violet are going out but need you two to stay here and look after Jack-Jack."

"Mom said Violet is to babysit Jack-Jack."

Ella shifted her eyes at me. That was my cue to jump in.

"Dash, do what Ella's says or I will tell mom that you watched the Wolf of Wall Street."

Dash looked jaw dropped.

"How did you know?" Dash gasped.

"I saw you in your room dummy."

Dash sighed.

"Fine" he grunted. Jess stood up.

"This isn't fair me and Dash are doing homework"

"Well then, maybe I should tell mom how you blamed Demi for breaking her Senior attendance medal," Ella said.

"You wouldn't."

"I think I would. Now do we have a deal?"

"Fine" Jess grunted.

Jack-Jack came waddling in and sat next to Dash.

"Don't worry Dash, we will be back before mom comes home"

I walked out in anticipation. "Did that just really work?" I exclaimed to Jess.

"Yes, now let's get ready!"


It took us a while to get ready but we finally did. We called Kari my old babysitter who offered to drive us there. The car started and we entrusted Ella with the instructions.

When we reached the party we could tell that it was going to be great. So many people were there and it was hard for Kari to reverse out. We went through the side gate to find people drinking and dancing. I examined the massive house seeing if I could see anyone I knew. I turned to Ella to find that she had already disappeared somewhere. I rolled my eyes and went back to find her. I pushed my way through a crowd of people dropping someone's drink in the process.

"Hey" someone called out.

"I'm so sorry," I said. I looked up to see who I had offended and then gulped.

It was Tony.

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