The Aftermath

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Violet POV

After yesterday's events, we were all waiting for our parents to pick us up. I didn't let Dash out of my sight. I went outside for some fresh air and saw Malcolm sitting outside his room cabin.  I sat down next to him.

"Hi Malcolm."

"Violet right?"

"Yes, I'm so sorry about Friday."

"No I understand. You love someone else."

"I wouldn't say love just yet but yes I do like someone else."

"Well whoever he is, he is a lucky guy. I want you to be happy Violet."

Malcolm kissed my cheek gently as he got up.

"I'll get Dash for you," he said as he walked back inside. Malcolm was really nice but I liked Tony. Dash came running out.

"Ready to go Vi?"

"Yes I am, are you?"

"Yeah but I just need to see someone first."

"Jess is coming home with us."

"Oh it's not Jess I need to see," Dash said as he went into my cabin.

I followed him back to see him go up to Carmen.

"Carmen before I go, can I have your number?"

Carmen giggled. "Sure" she gave him her phone number. Dash left us to it not even acknowledging Jess.

"I think my brother likes you," I smiled at Carmen.

Carmen blushed.

"Hey, who were those people that dropped you off if it weren't your parents?"

"Oh they work for my Mom. She only came because I told her Mr. Incredible's son Dash might be in trouble.

"Well thank god she did come, " I reassured her.

Carmen eventually left and we were still waiting for our parents. We all decided to sit on the field. Dash and Jess seemed a little distant than usual.

"Brad said we should hang out when we get back," Jess said.

"No thanks, I think I will see Carmen later."

"But you spent the whole weekend with her?"

I turned to Ella. "Ella ,should we go to the Juice bar when we get back?"
"Yes sure. I'm up for that"

Finally, our parent cars pulled up. We were actually the last set of kids there.

"Hey guys," Dad grabbed us both and chucked us in the air. He then gave us kisses after kisses.

"Dad!" Dash groaned.

"I just missed you so much" Bob replied.

"Mom!" I ran up to mom and gave her a hug.

I looked over to Ella's family who were also greeting each other.

"Right then guys, let's go home"

We all get in the car and I glanced over at Dash who was constantly texting on his phone.

"Who are you texting?"


"Who's Carmen?" Mom asked.

"Just this girl I met."

"Is Dashy in love."

"Mom stop that!" Dash carried on texting.

"Where's Jack-Jack?" I asked curiously.

"Kari's babysitting Demi and Jack-Jack. We thought it would be nice to take you all out to dinner for passing." Dash slouched in his chair. He didn't technically pass but he did avoid going to Denter and so he would leave it at that. One thing I will always find worrying is that Dad never told us he went to Denter but that was another time and I guess another place.

Jess POV

We arrived at the restaurant to a full car park. It was our favorite restaurant called Gumbo's. We made our way to the waiter.

"Welcome to Gumbo's. Hi Bob, Lucius" Our dads come here way too often. Everyone knows them as the regulars.

"Table for 8 please Mike," Lucius said.

Mike the waiter nodded and led us to a booth. I was in the middle with Dash, Ella and Violet and then our parents were at the end. I saw Dash texting on his phone.

"Who you texting?"

"Oh just Carmen. She said I should come over tomorrow."

"Dash tomorrow we are going to Freak Zone." Freak Zone is this place for children my age to jump around and have fun.

"Why don't you go with Brad?"

I rolled my eyes. Carmen had left yet she was still on his mind.

Violet POV

My phone beeped. I never really got notifications from people other than Ella. It was Tony. 'Violet how about that movie x'

I was so happy inside.

"What are you doing Violet?" Ella asked me. I looked around to see that I was dancing on top of the table. All eyes were on me. I quickly sat back down.

"Monkeys can dance better than you," Dash spoke.  Jess smiled and there was an awkward exchange between Dash and Jess.

Lucius POV

"Let's save Demi from Jack-Jack."

I drove back to Bob's house following Bob in his car. I had Dash and Jess in mine and Ella and Violet were in Bob's. When we arrived at Bob's house the front door was opened.

"Kids stay in the car!" I said.

"I want to see Demi" Jess asked.

"STAY IN THE CAR!" I shouted.

I nodded to Bob and Helen to quietly surround the house. They nodded. I directed Honey to join Helen round the back and Bob and I took the front.

Bob crouched by the front door and I copied. He then gave the signal and we all charged into his house.

"Kari!" Bob shouted.

"Demi, Jack-Jack" I yelled. There was no answer. We scurried into the kitchen and that's when I heard Honey scream. 

"Oh my Gosh" Honey said. I sprinted towards Honey's direction. That's when I saw a terrified Kari tied up and gagged. Helen untied her.

"We need to call the police! They took the children!" Kari yelped.

"They took the children!" Honey gasped.

"Who Kari, Who?"

Kari pointed to a wall, which had fresh paint on it.

'We have your children Mr. Incredible'

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