I Love Candy!

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Violet POV

The builders had finished fixing our house and it was safe to return. It was our last day living at Ella's as tomorrow we were moving back in. However, today is Halloween so I am not looking forward to that. Little kids will be running around asking for candy. Suzy, a girl in my class is having a Halloween party but I don't think mom and dad would let me go. I know Ella would be allowed to go. I entered the dining room where everyone was having breakfast.

"Violet. You're up late," mom said.

"I was tired."

"Mom, can I go to a Halloween party today?" Ella asked Honey.

"Sure dear, who is it?"

"Suzy from my class she lives 10 blocks from here."

"Well then sure."

"Mom can I go?" I asked.

"No Violet."

"Why not? Ella gets to go."

"We have to pack our things. We're going home tomorrow."

"Helen come on. They don't live far," Honey said.

"Fine but you must take Jack-Jack trick or treating first."

"Ella you join her and take Demi," Honey suggested.

"I need hours to get ready though," Ella complained.

"Then you better get ready now," Honey answered back.


Jess POV

I was in my room with Dash preparing my costume.

"Jess, I've got loads of tricks planned for today," Dash said.

"Well how about we skip trick or treating?"

"Really but we do it every year."

"I know but we're 12 now we need to stop that sort of thing."

"What. Jess we just turned 12 and I think it's okay for 12 year olds to trick or treat."

"Brad said we should crash a party."

"Crash a party!" Dash said.

"Yeah, he said his brother Jack is going to a Halloween party today. Someone in his grade is having one."

"And we're going to crash it; a ninth grade party." Dash said again.

"We would be so cool. People would love us," I said.

"Fine let's go crash the party."


Ella POV

Violet and I were outside trick or treating with Demi and Jack-Jack. We had been to several houses chanting the same words over and over again.

"I hope no one sees me," Violet said.

"Hurry up Demi and take the candy already," I pleaded as she was rummaging too long in the candy jar.

"Ooh I got a red candy my favorite" Demi said.

"Come on Demi. Let's go to the next house."

We continued down different streets until we got to the last house.

"Isn't this Jack's house?" Violet asked.

"Yes and" I said. I wanted to go to his house. I rushed up and rang the bell.

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