Runaway, Runaway With You

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Violet POV

"Ella where are they?" Lucius said.

"Oh they er have a surprise for you and they said they need me and Violet."

Ella dragged me back to her room.

"What do you mean they've run away?"

Ella handed me a note.

'Dear Families. Dash and I don't want to split up. We have been best friends since we were babies. We have run away and you will never find us.

Love Jess and Dash.'

Ella snatched the letter off me.

"Wait there's more!" I proclaimed.

"That's not important right now. What's important is that we get out and find them before our moms and dads find out."

"Why were they talking about splitting up?" I asked.

"I don't know. Quick, think of all the places they would go."

"Park!" we both said together.

We rushed to the park and tried to find Dash and Jess. 

"Not here," Ella complained.

"I don't know how long we can keep our parents waiting?" I said.

"Let's hope long enough."

I clicked my fingers. "My house. If Dash was going to run away he would want some of his stuff to take with him you know."

With that, we sprinted to my house. When I reached my house I fumbled inside my pocket for my key.

"Wait up Violet," Ella said from behind. She was a long distance away from me but there wasn't time. I stopped in my tracks when I saw someone sat on my porch.


Jess POV

"Jess, where are we going?" Dash asked me.

"You'll see. Trust me okay."

"Maybe we should go back before anyone finds out we've gone."

I turned to Dash. "Dash are you scared? I thought you wanted us to be together forever. You're my best friend."

We walked up this private path to see this secluded house. I knew who lived here but I didn't want Dash to know quite yet. I whipped out my phone and texted.

About a minute later a familiar face came out of the door.

"Brad!" Dash said. "Why are we at Brad's house?"

"It's the only person I could think of okay," I snapped back.

Brad approached us.

"Hey Jess, hey Dan."

"It's Dash," Dash grunted.

I gave Brad a big hug. "Thank you Brad for letting us stay, I hope your parents don't mind."

"Well, I haven't necessarily told them but don't worry you can hide in my tree house," Brad said.

"It will have to do."

Brad guided us up into his Tree House. It was more like a hotel.

"Brad this is amazing!" I saw Dash roll his eyes.

"Do you guys want any drinks?" Brad asked.

"NO," Dash blurted.

"Okay, then I'll be right back with some drinks."

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