She's Just a Child

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Lucius POV

 "Where's Demi?" I cried.

I didn't care if they knew who we were. I took off my mask and cradled Jess.

"Demi, come here baby girl." I reached out for Demi. Demi approached me slowly obviously frightened at the fact that her sister was laying there lifeless.

I grabbed Demi's hands.

"Demi honey, please I need you to make your sister better okay."

"I don't think I can daddy."

"You can!" I shouted at her.

"Lucius stop shouting at her," Honey said.

SloMo approached us.

"Err the healer is it?" he whispered softly to Demi.

Demi didn't say anything.

"The healer or Demi. You have a great power and right now you need to use it to save your sister. Can you do that?"

Demi nodded.

SloMo took me away and the whole group took a step back.

Demi hands shook and she bent down beside Jess. She was breathing but barely.

She gently stroked Jess's body and within seconds, Jess was gasping for air.

There was a sudden weight that was lifted from my shoulders. I thought she was gone. We were blessed with Demi's power. Her power has saved us on numerous occasions.

The assignment went very smoothly. The mayor and his wife arrived before they could witness Jess' fatality and the mayor's daughter was safe. They were very grateful and honoured us all with the city forever in our debt. Each family went their separate ways and the SHNC were informed of the assignment.


Ella POV

We were invited to dinner by Mrs. Katie Bridge, who was Carmen's mother and also head of the SHNC. She had invited both our family and SloMo's family. I didn't tell Violet about it. No one has ever been invited to the head of SHNC before.

"Come on kids let's go," Dad yelled.

We all had to dress formally. I wore one of my church dresses and made my way downstairs.

"Let's get in the car we shouldn't keep the head of SHNC waiting."

It was a long drive to Hepton. We arrived early at this huge mansion and were waited on by a butler.

"Please do come in."

All of us were so excited. Their mansion was fit for royalty.

Carmen was the first to greet us.

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