No Powers?

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Ella POV

The party was much better than Sophomore Jonny's party. This party didn't have any bombs. I kept looking around to see if I could see Jack. He did say he was going to come.

"Candy competition," Suzy announced. A large long table was set up and people were preparing to take part.

"Let's do it Ella, it will be fun," Violet said.

"Yes but don't we need 50 pieces of candy?" I asked.

Violet shook her bag and the sound of candy bounced around.

"How did you get so much? Wait you were trick or treating as well."

"Yes I was but keep your voice down."

Violet handed me some candy and we joined the table.

"1,2,3 go!" Suzy yelled.

Violet and I started eating the candy. After 15 pieces I started feeling sick. I glimpsed over to Violet who kept on going. I was forcing them down now. I was on 22 pieces of candy and couldn't eat anymore. I surrendered and people booed at me. Violet was still going. I think she might actually win this. People started dropping out until Violet and Trevor were left. Trevor was a slim build but he eats so much food. No one can understand why he isn't the size of France by now. Violet was struggling. I think she had 11 pieces to go but she finally cracked and stopped. Everyone cheered as Trevor took the last piece of candy and stuffed it in his mouth.

Violet got up and ran outside. I followed her.

"Ella I feel sick!" Violet groaned.

"Well of course you do. You did eat 49 pieces of candy in a row."

Lucius POV

I was twiddling my thumbs when Honey and Helen hurried into the room. "What the matter baby?" I said to Honey.

"Has yours gone?" she said.

"Has my what gone?" I asked.

"Your powers,"

"What do you mean?" I spilled some water on the table and flicked my hand. The water instantly froze. I was so confused.

"Sweetie we've lost our powers," Honey repeated.

"What do you mean you've lost them? Powers can't run away" I said.

"Something has happened. Helen and I don't have them but you still do. We haven't done anything today."

"What about Bob. Has he still got his powers?" Helen asked.

"I'm not sure. He left" I replied.

"He left where?"

"I don't know. We're on duty but there was a call about another bomb."

"Lucius if Bob has no powers he will die. Quick you need to find him since you still have yours. I will tell the kids to come back home."

Jess POV

"Brad this party is boring. All the big kids ignore us, plus we can't do anything here. Why do people like parties they're so boring?"

We were all outside sitting on the front step bored out of our minds eating candy. My phone went off.

"Excuse me," I said to Dash and Brad as I went down the street. It was a call from mom.

"Jess where are you?"

"Oh just 2 blocks away," I lied.

"Well come back we have a situation. I need you and Dash to come home immediately. I will ring your sister as well."

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