Operation Little Girl

475 22 3

Jess POV

This assignment wasn't as big as the Underminer one. In fact this time we were retrieving the mayor's daughter from a group of kidnappers. The problem was we had to infiltrate their building then save her without raising the alarm. Metroville needed supers as it has one of the worst crime rates after Hepton, the neighboring city.

 Dad was driving us to the remote location. I was so nervous as this was like my first actual mission.

"Kids now listen. This is our first assignment as a whole family. Demi may be small but if we are injured at least she could heal us," Dad said.

"Demi can't fight she is too small," I said.

"She will be with me," mom butted in.

Dad parked up in the middle of a street.

"Dad why have you stopped?" Ella asked.

"Wait here," Dad said.

Dad left us all in the car and went to investigate.

"Kids as soon as we are done here I want you to brush your teeth and go to bed."

"Mom! Stop that."

I mean it was a school night but our duties as a super are now a priority. We have to balance being a super with our normal lives.

"Have you guys figured out your names yet? You can't keep calling yourselves Elementmaker and Flymind."

"Mom please can you not." I didn't want to be reminded of those horrible names.

Dad returned to the car.

"Right there are 10 guards guarding the entrance and we have to be prepared for the worst inside. I'll take out the guards and kill off any surveillance."

"You shouldn't do that dad."

"Ella leave this to the adults"

"No dad really. If we take out the guards and kill off the surveillance then wouldn't they sense something is wrong and raise the alarm."

Dad had been proved wrong.

"She's right sweetie," mom said.

"Okay we will think of something when we get closer," dad said.

We all got out of the car quietly and made our way behind some trees. We all crouched down together observing the area. The building seemed like an abandoned airbase now occupied by these bad people.

"Ella get off my leg," I complained.

"I'm all the way over here." I slowly turned around and someone clasped my mouth before I gave the game away.

"shhh little girl." A hoarse voice said.

"Hey, get off my daughter you creep!" dad hissed.

"Be cool friend. It is I, SloMo," the man said.

"It's you guys from the Underminer. Why do you keep following us?" mom asked.

"Hey we get the same call as you do. We might as well work together since we did so well last time," SloMo said.

"I believe you've met my family. This is my son Energizer, my other son Multiplier and my wife Licker." SloMo continued.

"Why do they call you Licker?" I asked.

"Because of this," The woman pointed at a bug perched on a tree. Her tongue extended and snapped at the branch the bug was on. The aftermath was pretty gruesome, as the bug had split into 2.

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