Check-up Day 3

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Violet POV

It was the last day of the check-up; also known as last chance. If you had failed the previous tasks like Dash and failed this one, you would be transferred to Denter. It's not that I want Dash to go to Denter, it's just that he is growing up now and he needs to take this seriously. I hope that this will be a wake-up call for him and that he understands why I did it. Ella thought it was a good idea, however, Jess is a bit worried for him and I'm a little worried as well.

Jess POV

I went into the breakfast hall to have breakfast before our final check-up task. I looked around for Dash but he wasn't there so I took two plates from the breakfast table and went outside. There he was, sitting on the field alone as I trekked towards him and sat down.

"Hey," I said.


We sat in silence for a while looking out at the open countryside.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I said to Dash.

"It might be the last time I see the outside," Dash complained.

"Don't say that Dash. You will pass."

"No I won't! I don't have a group so I'm forced to do it on my own."

"If I had known Violet had done that, you know I would have come with you."

"So why don't you?"
"You know I can't, it's too late."

I squeezed his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on mine and we sat for a few minutes.

"You know I won't let them take you to Denter," I whispered.

"I know," Dash whispered. "I guess I have to do this. It's my fault. Next time I promise to be a better super. Not just for me but for you."

I looked into his eyes. Dash was just a few days younger than me but already he was acting mature. We were interrupted by a jumpy Carmen.

"Dash I know you can do it!" Carmen screamed from behind as she pushed me out the way and hugged Dash. Carmen was a last-minute addition to replace Dash. I could see that she wanted him on her own so I left them to it. Carmen had told me that she liked him so I backed away. I was wondering what Brad was up to right now. Whatever it was, it couldn't be as bad as this.

Ella POV

I bumped into a very miserable Violet who was poking around at her food.

"You need to eat Vi, you're going to need the energy."

"I know but I'm worried about Dash. He is going to have to finish a 4-man job as one. I was so stupid to do that to my own brother."

"Violet, do you think that they would let Mr. Incredible's son go to Denter. Your dad is like the celebrity of all supers and I don't think they would let that happen."

"Um Ella they would. My dad may be Mr. Incredible but he is not in charge."

I patted Violet on the back.

"Trust me Vi, Dash will do fine. He's super fast as long as he concentrates he will be fine."

"That's just my worry though."


We all arrived at the location of the final task. All the children were grouped together. I saw Jess and Carmen surround Dash. Dash didn't want to talk to Violet so she was with me. Mr Gregory came out and started shouting out instructions.

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